22. I love you Dr Reid

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You were coming up to 36 weeks and you were very close to giving birth which despite being one of the scariest things you could do, you were excited to stop being pregnant, your stomach was huge, your lower back was in constant pain, you needed to pee every 2 minutes and your blood pressure would drop constantly which meant that you often felt like passing out, you had become for better words useless.

Your OB/GYN had checked you over and assured you that your baby was fine, which calmed your nerves about them having two heads, in fact apparently you and your baby were extremely healthy, despite the blood pressure drops and fatigue, your sugar levels were fine, the baby's heart rate was at a normal speed, everything seemed to be going perfectly.

You and Spencer managed to fit everything that usually takes normal couples 9 months to do in a couple of weeks. You learnt how to wrap a baby up in a blanket by a proper teacher, you went to a baby yoga class that neither you or Spencer benefitted from but it was extremely amusing. You made friends with soon to be mothers and planned hundred of coffee dates with them that you planned on never actually attending because and no offence to them but they were pretentious bitches.

The team had been reinstated as Agents again which was a relief and you were on paid leave. Spencer mainly stayed home with you to look after you. He would consult on cases over video calls. Your baby had been kicking you a lot which was extremely annoying, it was as if they were trying to burst out.

"Right kid you kick mommy one more time and I swear to god I-"

"Y/N stop shouting at them, they haven't even been born yet" Spencer exclaimed staring at you shouting at your stomach

"You don't understand, this kid won't stop, and it hurts and I just want to give birth already"

"I know" Spencer planted a kiss on your forehead
"You're doing great"

"You're doing great" you mocked grumpily

"What was that for?" he asked

"Shut up! You're so annoying! You don't know what it's like to be pregnant but it's hard!" you shouted

"I know it's hard!" Spencer argued

"No you don't! I just want to give birth already" suddenly you burst out crying, which had become a daily occurrence. Spencer walked towards you and hugged you awkwardly because you huge 36 week pregnant belly pushed him away.

"You're right I don't know what it's like, but you have no idea how much I admire you for what you're doing" Spencer whispered.

"D-Do you think the baby will like me?" you asked him innocently

"I think they'll love you" he replied before holding out his hands

"What are you doing?" you asked

"I want to dance is that ok with you?" he asked

"B-But there's no music" you pointed out

"It doesn't matter my love" he whispered lovingly, you nodded, took hold of his hands and slowly danced with him.
"I love you so much"

"I love you too... Listen I know I haven't been the easiest these past few months but I do love you, I love you more than anything in the world" You were suddenly feeling very affectionate, Spencer grinned cheerfully and rested one of his hands on your waist.

"I know... I love you more than anything too! And I'm not just saying that to return your affection I mean it!" Spencer replied, pulling you in for a passionate kiss, which unfortunately was a bit too much for your heavily pregnant self and the moment you both pulled away, you went pale and back dots impaired your vision, Spencer noticed your disoriented manner, and held you tightly then gently lowered your heavy body down on the bed. You blacked out for a second or two and after a minute your blood pressure went back to normal. However you hated when this happened because whenever this happened you would wake up shivering and confused.
"I got you baby" Spencer kissed you lightly on your lips and threw a blanket over you
"Get some rest" he whispered as he lay down next to you and began caressing your scalp.

* * *

The team were called in on a case in Washington and had asked Spencer to come look at the crime scene, you reassured him that you would be ok and he reluctantly left. You didn't do much. You watched several movies, accidentally ate a tub of ice cream which you then threw up from then you napped because growing a baby is extremely exhausting. When you woke up, it was dark and Spencer was still not home but he was calling you.

"Hello" you answered

"Hey baby how are you?"

"Fine I just woke up actually, when are you coming home?" you asked tiredly

"I'll be home in about an hour is that ok?"

"Yeah fine with me! How's the case?"

"It's a tough one, all the victims were shot in the head execution style"

"Could it possibly be an unsub with a god complex or a hit man of some kind, have you checked into the victims lives?"

"Yeah nothing out of the ordinary, we crossed off vigilante, honestly at this point it's hard to tell I think we're just waiting for another body to turn up which is depressing but yeah, the unsub is organised which is why it's making this case so hard! I mean there is no evidence whatsoever." Spencer sounded tired

"Oh baby, when you get home we can order pizza and watch a movie-"

"Which you'll fall asleep during" Spencer cut in

"Probably, but I'll also give you a head rub and a massage and-"

"Aren't I meant to be doing that to you?"

"You already give me nightly massages, let me give you one for once-" You replied, stopping when you heard a knock at your door.
"Someone's at the door, so I'll let you go and do you job, oh by the way if our unsub does have a god complex then they'll probably leave some kind of signature, make sure you check for something even if it's small" you said slowly walking to the door.

"Alright thank you Agent Y/L/N, I love you" he responded

"I love you Dr Reid" you replied, then hung up and answered the door. Standing there was a hooded figure, before you could react, the person pulled something out their pocket



AUTHORS NOTE: Hey kids well look at that we are done. But wait don't worry there will be a sequel! I hope you liked the plot twist! I'm so happy this was the first fanfic I wrote so to have completed it makes me so happy! Don't forget to check out my other stories! Love you all I'll see y'all soon!

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