19. Baby names

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You woke up to Spencer stroking your cheek.
"hey sleepy head, it's time for dinner" he whispered

"Ughh I was having a beautiful dream" you sighed looking up at him.

"Oh yeah? What was it about?" Spencer asked curiously

"We were at home and we had the baby, and I don't know, I can't remember but it was sweet, we didn't have to worry about serial killers, or hitmen, and we were happy" you replied

"You're not happy?" Spencer questioned furrowing his brow at you.

"I don't think so. Being isolated for so long hasn't been great, a-and I- I feel constantly panicked, I'm not terrible, I'm just not really that happy" you explained honestly
"Also I'm emotional all the time" you added as you began to sob.

"That's because you're-" Spencer stopped himself "you're a wonderful person, moving on swiftly. I miss it to but we'll be ok, I promise, we'll talk more about this later. How does that sound?" he asked, you nodded and nudged him with your head. He smiled softly at you and you returned it with a sad smile

"My back hurts, and this kid won't stop kicking which was cute at the start but now it's just frustrating" you grabbed Spencers hand and place it on your stomach.
"look feel the little one" Suddenly the little one kicked him

"That still creeps me out! it's like an alien" Spencer retorted, furrowing his brow at you

"That is your future son or daughter you're talking about Spencer Reid!"

"Sorry" he apologised to you
"Sorry future baby Reid" he addressed your bumped
"It's still creepy"

"I know right!" you responded.
"Come on let's eat I'm starving"

You walked hand in hand to the dinner table and sat down with the rest of the team and their families.

"Hey Y/n how you feeling after your little break down earlier?" Derek joked earning a kick from Penelope under the table. You gritted your teeth and glared at him.

"I have no idea what you're talking about anyway let's eat" you replied with a false tone of calmness, no one wanted to upset you when you were in such a fragile state and so you everyone quickly dug into the meal, it was actually very nice, Rossi stopped making his famous Italian dishes because he was worried it would ruin it for the team. However you all found out that he could cook anything and not just Italian food.

"So have you two thought of any baby names?" JJ asked looking up at you both

"We've thrown some names around for example, if it's a girl Charlotte maybe for Charlotte Bronte, and they could shorten it to Charlie if they wished to and if it's a boy Charles for Charles Manson-" you responded

"No not for Charles Manson for Charles Dickens!" Spencer cut in

"Ok sure what ever you say"

"Y/n why would we name after a serial killer?" Spencer asked

"Because we fight serial killers" you retorted

"Exactly why we wouldn't name our kid after a serial killer. Anyway we have a whole list of names nothing is set in stone"

"so you like the name Charlie?" Hotch asked

"It's as good a name as any" you replied
"but I also like the name Fleur because it's 'flower' in French"

"I also liked the name Matthew" Spencer began
"it means 'gift from god' in Hebrew. But I also like Milo which means 'merciful' in German. Also maybe Florence I would think it would be nice if we had two girls and one was called Fleur and the other Florence because Florence means 'blossoming'"

"That's actually really cute, those are really sweet names" Emily pointed out

"Florence is also a place in Italy which shows how much you both love me!" Rossi joked, you laughed and nodded.

"We do" you yawned, resting your head on Spencers shoulder

"How are you still tired? You slept for like the whole day?!" Derek enquired

"Y'know Derek I'm beginning to dislike you. Do you have any idea what it's like to be pregnant?! Have you ever tried to grow a human being inside you?! hm? No. It's tiring! It kicks at random times and I'm never comfortable and it causes me to sleep lightly" you responded grumpily

"My bad, you know I'm just messing"

"To add you would never be able to carry a child because you simply do not have the power that women willed, we are gods! So stop making a joke out of me!"

"You tell em sis" Penelope cheered along with the rest of the girls and Henry who had no idea what people were cheering about.

"Capisce?" you asked glaring over at Derek, he smirked, and put his hands up in defence

"Capisce" Derek replied, then began to hail you jokingly

"That's what I thought! You may relax agent Morgan and I don't actually dislike you, I love you very much" you responded playfully

"In fact I love you all but I'm going to bed, good night" you waved the team goodnight, Spencer helped you stand up and walked you to bed.

"I liked your speech earlier very empowering!" Spencer exclaimed

"I didn't mean to sound sexist, I believe in equality but Derek just loves to mock me. And I find it frustrating that I have to have periods and pregnancy and all you have to do is have sex! It's super annoying"

"If it's any consolation, if men could get pregnant I would get pregnant for you" Spencer said sweetly. You looked at him and there was an awkward silence between you two. You weren't sure how to respond to that statement.

"Uh- see- uh- I get you were trying to be sweet and I appreciate it but the thought of you pregnant is the weirdest fucking thing I have ever thought about and now I can't unthink it... But your heart was in the right place... Soo... Thank you?" you replied uncomfortable, Spencer smiled sweetly.

He helped you get ready for bed and then you laid down, Spencer tucked you in making sure you were as comfortable as possible, he then kissed your forehead, and rested his hand on your bump.

"Goodnight beautiful. I love you" he cooed

"I love you too!" you replied as he pecked you on the lips. He moved down to your baby bump and kissed it too.

"Good night baby Reid, I love you too" Spencer whispered, strangely enough baby Reid kicked as Spencer stood up. You both looked at each other with wide eyes.

"I think he heard you! Oh my god Spence our baby is already a genius!" you exclaimed excitedly

"It was probably just coinci-"

"Our baby was a genius end of!" you cut in, spencer chuckled and nodded

"Good, I love you!" Spencer kissed you once more and turned the light off. He didn't come to bed straight away considering it was only 8pm and so he went back downstairs and joined the rest of the team.

Spencer spent most of the time talking to the team about how excited he was to become a father and how much he admired you but you didn't know that. The team were sure you would love yourself more if you ever eavesdropped on the conversations Spencer had with the team about you. He spoke with such passion and such love...

I love you Dr Reid {S.R X Reader}✔︎Where stories live. Discover now