for better or for worse (5 / end) | t.h

1.6K 46 56

Pairing: Tom Holland x reader (CEO!Tom)

Summary: In order to inherit his father's company, your best friend, Tom asks you to marry him. What could possibly go wrong?

Word count: 3.5k

Warning: heartbreak, it's pretty angsty but the ginormous fluff at the end will make up for it, i promise!

A/n: this is my first series, please don't let it flop😫! we're finally at chapter 5 which is the epilogue! the feedback i got for this was enormous and all of you were so amazing and kind that it always made me want to post my best content just for you all! thank you for all the amazing words and the love y'all had for this series, i appreciate it so so so much! i loved writing for better or for worse, and i am glad to finally be able to close Tom and (Y/N)'s story with all of you :).

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"You sure you're fine going on your own?" Zendaya asked for what seemed like the hundredth time as you picked up your suitcase which had taken you days to pack given the amount of things that you had accumulated ever since you moved into your little apartment.

"I'll be fine Z," You replied softly, a small smile on your face as you took your chance to take a look around the place, knowing that the chances of you ever coming back here was slim.

Your gaze found the couch, a bittersweet feeling overcame you as the memories of what you and Tom used to be filled your mind, the thought of how he used to pull you close to him as the both of you watching movie after movie until you fell asleep, you remembered how you had refused to return his sweater, claiming you liked it when in reality, it helped you sleep better at night, the scent on the fabric easily lulling you to sleep as you pretended that he was right there with you.

True to his word, Mr Downey's assistant, Happy had come up to your apartment with a file containing the apartment rented in Central New York, barely a stone's throw away from Downey Industries paired with a plane ticket.

The words "London to New York" stared back at you, a constant reminder that you had to leave what you were so used to behind as you started packing with the help of your two girlfriends.

"Thank you both so much," You whispered, biting back the tears that threatened to fall as you engulfed Zendaya and Deja in a tight hug, as the three of you promised that the friendship that you all had built over a decade would never fade despite you being a few thousand miles away.

"Hey, no tears, remember?" Zendaya said making you chuckle as you pulled away.

"We'll call everyday (Y/N)". Deja added making you smile as your phone dinged, signaling the arrival of your uber that you had booked.

You opened the door, your and your friends stepping out as you spared the apartment one last glance, ignoring the small ache in your heart as you remembered the way Tom and you used to dance around the kitchen on the days he stayed over, making pancakes that were often coated with too much maple syrup and chocolate, just the way you liked it.

You slid the keys under the mat, together with a note to your landlady who had been nothing but kind to you, she never raised your rent for all the years you lived here and you didn't know how else to thank you besides a letter and two tickets to her favourite play.

The last few memories that you had with the man who used to be your best friend and confidante seemed to fade as you stepped out from your apartment block. You waved to your friends, smiles on their faces as you shut the door of the car.

"London City Airport please". You said, the moon shone brightly and if you weren't sure, you would have said that it looked the brightest tonight, the warm hue that lit up the night sky barely lighting up the road, and as the vehicle moved down the streets that you used to call home, you allowed the tears to fall silently as you accepted that you would never see the man that still held your heart in his hands again.

for better or for worse | t.hWhere stories live. Discover now