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Welcome to the story!

Mei's POV

'It's happening huh?'

I thought as i could inly see black, my body was floating in the abyss i don't even think i have a body anymore i can't actually move but i guess this is okay...

Wait... Is this place even clean!? But i doesn't matter if you don't have a body
right? Well if the answer's no then fuck this place

Where even am i? Is this hell? Heaven? Or I'm just stuck in purgatory? I did many good deeds so i might go to heaven...

Pfft that's bullshit satan will accept me with open arms!

But i honestly don't care anymore. I mean I'm dead so?

But since the darkness started I've been counting seconds. Why? Because I'm MOTHERFUCKING bored

Yeah that's why...

Oh and i think i'm going crazy right now because i'm talking to no one like literally no one ಠ_ಠ

yeah it's decided. I'm going crazy here

If i remember correctly I've been floating around her for about 7884008.64 seconds

If you're thinking I'm a nerd then your right it's fun being a nerd ya know but the "please help me with my homework" part was NOT fun

Hey! Don't blame me for being a nerd! Or I'll kill you!

It's not like it's my fault of having a photographic memory in the first place! And if you have photographic memory you remember a lot of things so i got hooked in studying but that's not all i can't forgot about the short film i watched about germs and how terrifying they are!

It's about how they enter your body eugh! Disgusting but that's for another time...

So what part of the story we are again?

OH! In the memory and shit, well that's right i remember everything that happened in my previous life staring when i was three years old

Woah i can't believe I'm going to have story time in here...

Wait are you waiting for some sad background story? Like brutally murdered families for main characters? Well sorry but no.

but if you're gonna ask me on what character am i well, I'm one of the side characters

I'm one of those people who need to beat the shit out of the main character so they can be strong ರ╭╮ರ

Oh and i live alone because none of my relatives want me ಥ‿ಥ

Yeah that's bullshit now, I'm gonna count again sayonara~


Hello again!

It has been 23652025.9 seconds or nine months to be exact and let's just say that since i became five months in here in the abyss i could feel my body again what a surprise! Then again the past four months have been a drag i cant control my limbs and the space here is so tight!

Like bruh! When i tried moving my fucking foot I'll just bump into a soft wall

I know you're thinking that I'm dumb that i didn't notice that im in a woman's womb well jokes on you i know it since the five months! Note to sarcasm too!ಥ‿ಥ

To be honest being reborn isn't so bad i can live as another life as a side character again or even have family...or better have a dick!

What? I want a dick too! ¯\_( ͠° ͟ʖ °͠ )_/¯

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