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Enjoy the story!

Sasuke's POV (I'm using sasuke now because why not?)

Sasuke - 5

Naruto - 4

I'm currently having a mental breakdown down like for real!

My 'father' or fugaku that motherfucker just ignored my request to train!

Like bruh! If you want to have a talented child you need to train 'em!

This bish just ignored me ಠ_ಠ
Is it because I'm the second child? Yeah let's go with that

So i decided to train on my own by running laps in our fucking backyard :) 'cause the compound was rebuilt

Back to the topic... yes in the goddamn backyard! Why? Because I don't know where the hell the training ground is!

But that's not everything! i can't even watch fucking anime! Or even read some bl smuts...

I wanna die again... ಥ‿ಥ

But it's okay since i have my photographic memory and inside my mind looks like a library :D

-sigh- okay I'll stop with my rant.

SooooOoooOoo i somehow turned five years old without noticing it! Like wHat? 😐 But don't worry i already made some plan for the future

But even tho i have been coming with 'mom' in lè market, but i still can't get any clues on where naruto lives or is 'he' even alive.

Anyway i made a plan to stop some deaths in the original anime

Why? Because I'm ✨fabulous✨

Since in three years itachi will have to massacre the clan so before that I'll have to befriend some clan heirs/heiress in the academy and yes those clan heirs because i was thinking of having some emotional supporters when the massacre happens then I'll be distant to them after the massacre to have some chilè parts. And i don't want to be lonely too or get called brooding duckbut ¯\_(ಠ_ಠ)_/¯

Wow I'm talking like I'm in a book or something...

"anata! Do want to come with me to the market?"

I heard mom calling and yes i call her mom now but not that fugaku shit >:3

"yes please!"

I answered running towards the kitchen 'excitedly' jumping around

"come on"

She said as she held my hand

I'm already trying to distance my self from 'my parents' so i won't be a sad hoe when the massacre happens but it's kind of hard (٥↼_↼)


When we arrived at the market mom was picking vegetables so i just stood there

This is boring... I should have come to shiratoriz- what?

Ahem i mean i should just stay home to 'train'. I mean run around the backyard

I was lost in my own world but then I smelled something good!

So i followed the smell like the dumbass i am :')

And i was coming from a tomato stand!

I wanted a tomato... I was about to call mom to buy me but then she's not by my side

Oh shit did i got lost?

That was the first thing that had gone to my mind 

Fuck i did got lost!

ℝ𝕖𝕓𝕠𝕣𝕟 𝕒𝕤 𝕊. 𝕌𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕙𝕒 [ⁿᵃʳᵘᵗᵒ ᶠᵃⁿᶠⁱᶜᵗⁱᵒⁿ]Where stories live. Discover now