Chapter 2

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July 4th, 2019

Warstar Spaceship

Somewhere orbiting the Earth

Bal Antilles enraged roar echoed through the corridors of his war ship. Joey paused in her washing, ice creeping through her veins knowing her father's anger would most likely be taken out on her later. This was her last chore of the day. Every day her mother gave her a list of what had to be done, in between making and serving the commanding family meals of course. If she didn't have her work done, her father and mother's rage would be even worse. She knew from experience.

Bal Antilles ran the Ayalian fleet with an iron fist. They had already conquered many worlds. Ayalians were a warrior race, but they also had technology that was superior to many other worlds. Due to this, those worlds didn't stand a chance. Joey didn't understand the thirst for violence every single one of her people had. She would never admit to that though. It was one of many things that set her apart from them. She glanced down at her hands, white illati shown back at her. It was a sign of her shame. The luminescent markings of her people were always black, except hers. She was defective, and wasn't allowed to forget that for even a moment.

She focused back on her task, shaking her head free of her thoughts. She lifted the laundry over and over again from the machine to her basket. The clean laundry smelled pleasant and was one of the only upsides of her tasks for the day. It was why she had saved it for last. A familiar, cynical laughter echoed in the small room just as she filled the basket with the last of the clean laundry. She turned taking in one of her older brothers.

Riddick was tall but lean though that didn't fool her. She had seen him fight. She had seen him kill. She knew just how deadly he could be. His long black hair was shaved on one side, Ayalian symbols of courage and ruthlessness were shaved into the design. His garb spoke of his standing in society. Black armor emblazoned with the crest of Bal Antilles and a large blade strapped to each hip, hilts encrusted with rare gems marked him a member of the commanding family. He was the exact opposite of Joey.

Her white hair was pulled back and tucked into a scrap of a cloth she tied around it to keep it our of her face. It also helped to hide it from view. No one had hair the color of hers. It was another difference between her and her people. She wore a fraying, gray work suit. It was one of the only article of clothing she was allowed. Everything was done to remind her of her place. A defect. A mistake.

Hello urchin. Riddick smiled cruelly down at his little sister. 

Joey flinched at his voice in her head. Most Ayalians communicated telepathically but usually it was through a connection agreed to by both parties. Most of Ayalians especially her family, just charged into her mind never giving her a choice. She double checked her secret wall was still in place. It had taken her a while to perfect it but she finally had a way to protect at least some of her thoughts from others. The thoughts behind that wall would get her not only punished but killed.

Hello, commander

She bowed deeply as was expected of her. She saw movement in her periphery before the basket of clean clothes went flying across the room. The basket slammed against the wall spilling the clothes onto the dirty floor. She knew it would have to redo them. If her mother found even one bit of dirt on the clothes she washed she would be punished. Riddick knew that of course.

Looks like you'll have to do those again. He smirked at her before turning and leaving. 

She blew out a sharp breath as she straightened. She began to collect the clothes hoping she had enough time. Riddick always did this. He loved to sabotage her chores. At least he didn't hit her this time. She was a common punching bag for everyone, but Riddick usually went the extra mile. She remembered the one time he made her cough up blood he hit her stomach so hard.

Joelle. Her stomach dropped as her mother's cold voice filled her head. Dinner should be served an hour early tonight. 

Just as fast as the connection came, the chilling presence was gone. Glancing at the clock on the wall, Joelle realized she was screwed. An hour earlier was now. She was done for. Knowing she wouldn't finish her chores she quickly moved the basket of clothes to the corner of the room before running out.

Leaving the laundry behind, Joey rushed through the corridors weaving through the other bodies, keeping her head down and eyes plastered to the floor. She ran into the kitchen, the other servants, member of various races the Ayalians had conquered, were already busy at work but they all knew they were doomed to fail. Riddick loved to sabotage her chores, but her mother loved to do this. She loved proving how much control she exercised over Joey, and how she could puppeteer it all however she wanted. Joey knew what would happen tonight, and there was nothing she could do about. So she kept her face blank and pushed back the panic and dread she felt. They wouldn't help.

Finally the food was ready to serve, exactly twelve minutes later than what her mother had requested. Joey worked with the other servants to serve the food, avoiding the gazes of my family. Her father and mother sat on opposite ends of the table. Riddick and her oldest brother Corran sat on one side of the table. Unlike Riddick, her oldest brother tended to just ignore her which Joey was thankful for. She often felt his eyes on her but whenever she would look his way he wasn't looking at her. Opposite of them sat General Sturig, he was a close friend to her father and someone Joey actively avoided. The way he looked at her felt like star worms crawling under her skin.

She waited in the kitchen until the end of the meal. Once the dishes were cleared, her mother called her back into the room. She prepared herself as she entered. Only her parents remained in the room. Bowing deeply to both of them she waited for what she knew would happen.

Did you finish your chores? Her mother asked her tone stating she already knew the answer.

No. Joey knew better than to try to give excuses. Her mother sighed before holding out one of her hands. Steeling herself, Joey retrieved the heavy cord from the wall. The weight was unfortunately something she was very familiar with. She handed it to her mother before walking back to the wall. Turning she braced herself against the wall awaiting the punishment she knew was coming.

What a disappointment. Her mother's footsteps seemed to echo across the room as she made her way to her father, Bal Antilles. He took the cord from his wife.

How late was dinner? His deep voice made Joey flinch.

12 minutes. Her mother all too happily provided.

Twelves lashes and one for every article of clothing she failed to clean. Her mother agreed letting out a low laugh while her father took his place behind her. I needed this.

Her father's voice was the last thing she heard before the pain began. Her mind traveled the galaxies while her body endured the torturous normalcies of her dreadful life. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2020 ⏰

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