Chapter 8

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Hello Everyone!! =]

WOW!! It has been like soo many months since I last updated=[ I am really happy that you guys waited for me:)

And thanx for all of you who voted and commented in the last chapter!!=] Sorry for keeping you all waiting!!:)


Katheirne was having the time of her life. After Klaus removed his compulsion she decided that she needed to enjoy her time indulging in the favors the 21st century humans offered to her. She had settled down in a small apartment close to the heart of  the city of New York. She had stayed law but she had the chance to enjoy the little freedom she had.

It had been a few days since she found out that the kind old man who stayed with Jessica was killed in a fight and that he had made her leave for Mystic Falls. It was who had asked the man to tell Jessica to go to Mystic Falls and meet the lovely gang there.  No, she wasn’t playing any games she just wanted her only daughter to have a life getting to know people around and she wanted to try and make the things she messed up for once. And she knew the answers they needed were all in her hand.

That is why here she was standing at the entrance of the Mystic Grill saving her daughter’s ass from a group of supernatural beings.


Katherine’s POV

“Katherine”, Jessica was the first to break the thick silence by looking at me with those brown eyes that she got from her father.

“Jess”, I replied as I walked to her and pulled her into a tight hug. I knew I surprised her because I rarely show any affection in public and I called her “Jess” only when we were in private. “I missed you”,  I said smiling at her confused face.

“I missed you too, Mom”, she said giving a bright smile which was exactly like mine.

“D-did she just call you mom?”, the blonde haired vampire asked with her eyes wide and looking at me weirdly while the others looked at me like I grew another head.

“Yes, Is that a problem?”, I asked as usual knowing they all had the right to be angry at me but I had to be

Carloine opened her mouth to speak but the elder Salvatore beat her to it.

“Didn’t know you had a heart”, Damon replied, his voice cold as his eyes burned into mine with all anger and hatred he had for me. I knew out of all of them I hurt him the most and it hurt me too because a part of my heart cares for him even if we don’t have any feelings for him.

“Watch what you say”, Jessica hissed at him with her body tensing next to mine. I grabbed her shoulder trying to calm her down before she caused an even bigger seen.

“We are going to the Boarding House where I am going to explain everything”, I said as I walked out of the Grill dragging and confused Jessica leaving behind a group of  living and dead group with hundreds of thoughts running through his head.


Damon’s POV

I didn’t know what to think or feel at the moment, I was confused as any vampire could be. Katherine Peirce, the five hundred year old bitchy, cold hearted vampire has a daughter. I was about to go after the pair when Stefan’s hand on my shoulder stopped me.

“What?”, I asked annoyed at him.

“You are not going and doing any trouble’, he replied acting like the very careful and good thinking person her was.

“Fine”, I replied not in a mood to fight back. I knew he was surprised by my lack of fighting back but he quickly hid it as he turned to others to discuss about what to do.

I walked to the bar and sat on a stool as compelled the girl to give me a bottle bourbon.

“We are going to the Boarding House to meet Katherine, You coming?”, Stefan asked me as I was going though half of the bottle.

“Oh, I will be there in sometime”, I told him as I felt like being alone for sometime with a bottle of bourbon.

“Okay, then we are going”, he replied as he walked away with Elena who waved me a Good bye.

Soon the grill was empty leaving me, the girl serving at the bar and a small bunch of high school students playing pool.

I grabbed the half empty bottle of bourbon and walked out of the grill after leaving some money at the bar top.

I started my car and drove off to one place that I needed to go before meeting others. I needed to think about all that has been happening and I knew just the place that I needed to go.


Let's be honest!! This was totally fucked up!! :(

I am sorry for making you all wait and then updating a chapter like this...

Anyways I am gonna  try and keep updating all my stories regularly =]

And also I am kinda pissed at how Elena acted in episode 18 and I saw the promo for episode 19 and I am defiantly gonna stop watching TVD is she hurts Damon!!! :( 

Okay, enough of my rambling... Comment, Vote and Fan!! =]

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