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I could hear a low buzzing of sirens and some faint yelling. My eyes refused to open and my body felt too numb to move. I felt myself being lifted and spoken to but I couldn't make out the words.


Beep. Beep. Beep.

That beeping was so irritating. I reached a hand out to smack my alarm clock into silence, but only finding sheets. I felt around for my headboard, knowing that he would be upset if the beeping happened to awake him. Giving up on my closed eyed search, I was instantly blinded with intensely bright overheads.

I looked to the side and blinked a few times to set my vision right. It was my own room that surrounded me, but instead a far too white one. I curiously looked around, taking note of the wires that appeared to be stuck into my arm. I cringed, that just looked gross.

It appeared to be a hospital room, since it was so similar to the ones I saw on TV. I had never actually been in a hospital before, let alone be the one in the bed all hooked up to machines. I was never allowed. Like that one time I probably should have had stitches, he just told me to suck it up. So, I just fixed myself up and it became a rather nasty scar.

I surprisingly didn't feel too much pain, considering I fell off of a freaking roof. Those wire things were probably the reason why though. The door swung open, nearly giving me a heart attack. The lady that walked in looked at me with a smile and almost a pity filled look.

"Zeidon?" I nodded, not willing to risk my no speaking rule. I watched her eyes roam my face, making me self conscious. Crap, the bruises! I sat up and raised a hand to my cheek and faced away from her, looking for a place to go to get away from her stare.

"You don't have to try and hide all those. I'm a nurse after all." She soothed but didn't succeed in making me any less tense. "I've just come to give you some information about your care taker and your new living situation."

That snapped my full attention to her. I gave her a nod to signal that she couldn't just leave me hanging.

"Well, your guardian seems to have left your legal standing with the state. He appeared just a couple of days ago with your paperwork and left you to the state housing arrangements." She paused, flipping through some papers on her clipboard. "Unfortunately you're personal belongings didn't make it through the fire, it was actually a surprise that you got out in time. Thankfully no one was harmed.

"I have your full medical and police report here for you. Once the iv's get removed and you are deemed capable of leaving, you will be required for some questioning. We are prescribing you some pain medication for your," she paused "Condition."


After a tedious police questioning that I refused to participate in, I was on my way to my new "home". Admittedly I was glad that he left me, but that didn't stop my fear of breaking the rules. He had trained me to live by those and changing that just seemed so impossible.

I had been told that there were several other teens in the household and that Mrs. Dean, my new mother figure, had gathered some clothes for me. I wasn't prepared for interacting with my state ordered family and I had no desire to be apart of it.

But if it kept me away from him then I guess I would have to just make do.

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