Battle for Wave

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We ran to the bridge and the fighting had already begun. Zabuza, Kakashi, Kushina, and Anko were fighting. There was a glass dome over where we heard more fighting.
"Go and help them with Zabuza. I got the brats." Sasuke said
I had a bad feeling but for the sake of the mission I agreed. I pulled Sasuke to me and kissed him before I left. Kakashi went down and I jumped over him and stopped Zabuza's blade. I could feel the jonin stop and look at me. Zabuza looked impressed.
"Not bad for a newbie. A sword fighter huh. Fine, I'll give you the honor of dying on my blade." Zabuza said with a mocking tone
"Yeah right old man. Let's see what you got." I said mockingly right back
Zabuza laughed and we back flipped away from each other and charged. We ran at each other and blades collided again and again. We were moving as fast as we could. We would trick each other and draw blood. We were bouncing all over but completely zoned in on each other. This was a fight between swordsmen. Finally we broke away and took a breathe.
"I'll admit your good. Who taught you?" Zabuza said thoroughly impressed
"My father Kaede King." I said with a wicked grin
"Haha. The Bladed Demon King huh. You really are worthy kid." Zabuza said with a wheezing laugh
I smiled. Before standing straight.
"You know Gato is going to betray you right?"
"He wouldn't dare."
"Fine I'll make you a deal. I bet Gato is going to betray in less than 10 minutes. I win, you go back to Mist and help Mei Terumi finish up the war. I lose, I pay you twice what Gato was going to pay to leave Wave and don't come back." I said with a tilt of my head
"Haha Deal. I definitely want to fight you again." Zabuza said with a chuckle
Suddenly there was a scream. I felt a piercing pain in my heart.
"Sasuke." I said before I began running over
The dome came crashing down. A boy stared glaring with rage at the Namikaze twins, but what made my heart stop was that Sasuke was unmoving on the ground. I fell to my knees beside him.
"Sasuke. Sasuke, wake up. Sasuke, you're scaring me. Please wake up." I said over and over
The boy who fired the needles went to come forward and I turned on him so fast.
"Wait he's not dead! I just need to remove the needles. The blond boy substituted with Sasuke and he wasn't prepared." The boy said quickly
I turned and glared at Menma.
"He should've been honored to be of some use." Menma said
I moved so fast that Menma did even know what hit him. I had punched him so hard, he had made a two feet deep imprint when he hit the ground. The ice boy had already begun removing the needles when the Mist over the bridge began dissipating. Gato stood there with one hundred of his men. I had already dispatched three hundred shadow clones that morning to get rid of his so called army so the ones before us were all my shadow clones in a henge. Gato strutted forward and began attempting to smack talk Zabuza but the answer Gato hot back Zabuza was a laugh.
"Damn I owe the kid now." Zabuza said with a laugh
"Oh don't worry it was extremely easy to know you would lose the bet." I said
"How?" Zabuza asked curiously as I walked past him towards Gato
"What do you think your going to do, girl? The first one to grab gets to play with her after me." Gato said loudly to his "men"
His "men" simply parted as she walked by. Gato stared wide eyed before panic set in. He began trying to back away but a plank of wood popped and wrapped around his leg. When Gato went to run away, the plank broke that leg.
"Oh don't worry I'm not going to kill you. I simply wanted an up close view of your face when you realized how easy it was for a child soldier to beat you." I said as Gato screamed about his leg but he quickly went silent because of the terrifying look on my face
I stepped out of his way and watched as one by one all one hundred of his men vanished in poofs of smoke. The ninjas caught on quickly and their jaws hit the floor. Gato stared in horror.
"You know I work for a company that was really interested in taking over yours. The CEO put out a large bounty out for anyone who could get it. For a shinobi it was pretty simple especially when I found out exactly how despicable you and your men really are. I can tell you that the hundred here died quickly. I poisoned the soup your men had for dinner but you had that steak so I had to get creative. Do you feel that slight burn in your veins? The poison I selected makes your nerves overly sensitive. I had plans for you. I wouldn't look for that back up army either. Those women you all were raping got their vengeance and justice last night. By now they should be reuniting with their families. I found the slaves you were trafficking too. They desperately wanted their freedom. All I had to do was drop a few kunai here and there. They did most of the work for me. The beauty of clones is that I could take over each soldiers lives so that I could be anywhere. I had hundreds of chances to kill you within the last few days, but I'm a big believer in justice. The people of Wave couldn't get the justice for themselves. The people you mocked, defiled, and killed will now be your judge, jury, and executioners. See you in Hell." I said
Gato was pale. He looked and saw the people of Wave were standing on the hill as some men held women they hadn't seen in months. Women doing the same with their children. Though everyone had a common look in the eye as I walked back to my squad. They looked like someone gave them a Christmas present early. Ayami stopped at the very edge of the bridge and made a self cleaning seal. The seal once activated covered the entire bridge. She turned to the people of Wave.
"He's all yours." Ayami said simply
There was a roar as men rushed at Gato. His screams only lasted for a few minutes but by the time the people were done with him. Gato's head was on a spike at the other end of the bridge. That was all the was left of him. Kakashi, Kushina, and Anko stared at Ayami. Kakashi could understand why she did what she did with her upbringing. Anko enjoyed it in a some what sadistic kind of way. Kushina thought that Ayami was a bit of a monster. Her team was thinking the same way. Kakashi's team however was proud of Ayami and how she handled the situation. She had never gotten her hands dirty before so they could tell she was beginning to feel guilty. Sasuke stood there and Ayami finally noticed him. She ran into his arms and he held her close. The people of Wave started to celebrate. Ayami simply wanted to be alone for awhile so she went ahead and took a boat out to go fishing. The town didn't have a lot of food to celebrate with so Ayami decided to help them out. Ayami pulled out three hundred clones. 100 clones would be growing vegetables with their chakra. 100 clones to cook all that was given to them. 100 to go fishing with Ayami and store whatever vegetables and fish was left over. Ayami and the clones brought in hundreds of pounds of not just fish but also wild game. The cooking clones were using shinobi speed to keep up. Eventually the clones who were growing vegetable stopped and began bringing dish after dish of food back to the people. Ayami could here the cheers from Wave all the way to the other side of the river. It made her laugh. She was happy to help them. It was around midnight when Ayami came back to Tazuna's. Sasuke sat there by the door. Ayami saw him and sat next to him.
"You realize that the people we killed today were going to kill others right?" Sasuke asked quietly
"Yea, but they were still lives Sasuke. I never realized how easy it was for me to take a life. Does that make me a monster?" Ayami asked uncertainly
Sasuke turned to face her and held her by her shoulders.
"You listen to me, Ayami King. You don't have an evil bone in your body. The villagers are idiots to make you even suggest that you are. What happened today was justice for an entire town who couldn't do it for themselves. You gave them justice and wiped that scum off the map. You need to believe that. I need you to believe that." Sasuke begged at the end
"No. Not a chance in Hell." Sasuke said and pulled her into a hug as she cried
Ayami had kept up a tough mask all day and night. She never showed how vulnerable she was. She never showed how insecure she felt. Sasuke saw it though. Sasuke loved her like no one else. Neither noticed that the senseis on the other side who over heard the conversation. They had just gotten to see the inner Ayami.

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