Journey to Wave

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Sasuke sat and watched as went over his stuff. Itachi came in and watched as Sasuke sat there while I went through his closet and Mikoto leaned against the door trying not to laugh.
"Sasuke, why is your girlfriend going through your closet?" Itachi asked baffled
That question broke the camel's back and Mikoto was a laughing mess on the floor.
"Because I refuse to believe that my boyfriend doesn't understand how to properly pack. Just because we need to use functional clothing does not mean that they have to be so boring. All you own is black and blue but they won't protect you from the weather outside the village or hide you." I said before taking out six out fits
"Ayami what are you doing now?" Sasuke asked when I pulled out my ink brush
"Adding seals for camouflage, fire-proof, water-proof, and unable to be punctured around certain areas such as throat, heart, stomach, and groin." I said casually before slipping an extra seal to keep him warm in areas where it's cold and keep him cool where it's hot.
I sealed all of our equipment into sealing scrolls and we headed for the gate to meet up with our team. Haiden was there and looked like we did. Kakashi-sensei had come up quickly and we quickly made sure we were ready before jumping through the trees. As we travelled we scouted for every little thing. My clones had already been sent ahead and infiltrated Wave and would pop regularly so I would have an idea of what we were walking into. Finally we stopped for the night and set up camp. Kakashi looked to me because of a talk we had a few days ago during individual training.
Flashback begins
I had been going through the katas for a new taijutsu form I was creating for those who were bigger and faster than me. I needed a way to out do and out think someone with battle experience. I didn't notice that Kakashi-sensei was there at first I thought he was working with Sasuke on another training ground. I put out a lot of Shadow clones and did a battle royal with my ideas. Eventually I stopped when I was done with the clones and they began to pop in sets of ten and one of them had seen Kakashi in a tree watching me. Kakashi jumped down before coming over.
"Hello, sensei." I said staring past him keeping all of my rushing emotions off my face
"I'm not mad at you, Ayami. I'm upset that you felt the need to not only hide yourself from your team but to not trust me as your sensei to be able to help you in your training." Kakashi said watching me closely
"Sensei, what do you know about my life so far? I know the Academy keeps records of all students so what did they have to say about me?" I asked
"Ayami Uzumaki, orphan, known to be sneaky and all around disturbance in class by making good students around her fail until you became part of Iruka Umino's class then your file became almost classified. I haven't spoken to him yet." Kakashi said confused
"Talk to him and get back to me then that'll explain quite a bit of my trust issues." I said before walking away
3rd POV
Kakashi finally found Iruka training the Sandaime's grandson and the advisors from the council's grandchildren.
"Hello Iruka." Kakashi said
"Kakashi. Konohomaru, help Udon and Moegi with the leaf balancing technique until I get back." Iruka said
"Okay, sensei. Alright guys boss said it's all about concentration on feeling the flow of your chakra. She said once you do that chakra control is a breeze to learn." Konohomaru said before the three raced off
"What can I do for you, Kakashi-San?" Iruka asked already having a feeling of what was going on
"I need the file for Ayami Uzumaki." Kakashi said
"For what may I ask?"Iruka asked defensively
"She is much stronger than her Academy records imply. According to the records, she is a cheating, dead last student who some jow brainwashed the Uchiha clan and the Hokage into giving her favoritism over the word of the Academy. She is dangerous and should be expelled from the ninja forces as soon as possible." Kakashi said paraphrasing what he read
The only thing that gave Iruka's rage away was the spike of KI before that mellowed back out. Iruka turned to Kakashi with an ice cold face.
"Ayami is the oldest daughter of our Lord Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze, and his wife Kushina Uzumaki-Namikaze. She is said to carry a piece of the bijuu, Kyuubi no Kitsune, she carries the mind and thoughts of the beast. For this she has been treated as an outcast where her siblings were treated as royalty for carrying the chakra. The Fourth and his wife decided that since Ayami only carried the thoughts of the Kyuubi she wouldn't need as much training as the others so they one day out of the blue decided to take a training trip for a few years and abandoned Ayami to the wolves of Konoha. Ayami has spent years being abused, beaten, and tortured thanks to the villagers until some individuals stepped in. Mikoto Uchiha, former best friend of Kushina, came to the rescue of Ayami to adopt Ayami but was refused as technically the Fourth didn't disown her and she still was in his custody so it was a long year of abandonment until according to law as she was now officially abandoned could be adopted  so the clans fought over who was allowed to adopt her until a civilian business man in the Red Light District said he would. Kakashi, Ayami from the day she was born has been forgotten, abandoned, chased, beaten, tortured, and demeaned almost her entire life. It doesn't surprise me that she is secretive and very private person. Sasuke and the Uchihas probably know her best but it goes without saying that anyone attached to the Fourth as you are is simply going to have a hard time earning that trust.
Flashback Ends
Turned out that Kakashi had gotten the shock of his life. I know that he went to Mikoto to offer to help train me in lightning chakra and she agreed. I glanced at him before rolling my eyes a bit and made a few clones and we made a sealing array.
"Stand back but stay inside the outermost circle." I said as I stood in the middle
The array was large. It was a giant circle around smaller circles with kanji writing in it. I could read (sealing language)kanji like I could read japanese, so seals was really easy for me. The seal we were own pulled us underground and made a wooden and dirt bunkard. The bunkard had 4 rooms and brought in fresh air as well as converted water from the air so we could wash, drink, and cook. When everything settled the Sasuke, Haiden, and Kakashi stared at me wide eyed and open mouthed the clones had got one of my scrolls and began making a fire and cooking dinner. I wrote a seal on the wall that would vacuum the smoke out into the earth that surrounded us.
"Where are we?" Kakashi asked
"30ft under ground. Once my clones are done cooking they will be bending the earth so we will still be headed towards Wave as we sleep. Time is of the essence in this case." I said calmly
"You're acting like this is nothing, Ayami." Haiden said incredulously while Sasuke starred before his eyes became understanding
"Because for me this is nothing. People say that sealing is the most dangerous and most difficult thing to learn but for me this is making art. This is my relaxation. I write seals like I'm writing a very complex letter and then add chakra which I have in abundance. This is my first time away from the hateful stares and whispers. I couldn't help myself when Kakashi-sensei basically asked me what I could do." I murmured nervously
I was suddenly wrapped in a hug by Haiden and Kakashi was standing there with his hand on my shoulder and Sasuke had his arm around my waist.
"No more hiding. You shouldn't have to hide how strong you all are to please civilians. Konoha is a ninja village and the civilians need to get use to that." Kakashi said
We all ate and each picked a room to fall asleep in knowing that when we woke up we would be in Wave.

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