Ch. 15 | The Movies

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Summary: Spencer gets distracted at the movie theater.

Content Warning(s): Oral (male receiving), mild exhibitionism, Lolita references (clothing/jokes)


Fun fact about me: I cannot understand Russian.

Why would I go to the movies in the middle of a Saturday to watch a movie in Russian, then? Well, my very adorable boyfriend insisted that I go with him.

Sure, there are subtitles, but truthfully, I wasn't planning on watching much of the movie, anyway. Unfortunately, Spencer seems hellbent on actually watching the film despite us being literally the only two human beings in the theater. Who does that?

Well, granted, he is a little bit annoyed at me right now. See, when he arrived to pick me up I might have taken my teasing a little bit too far. It was kind of part of the plan.

As I left my apartment, I could already see the entertained frustration on his face as he spotted me through the window. I was wearing a baby blue sleeveless, yet collared, crop top, paired with a similarly colored pair of high waisted shorts.

Get it? I was literally dressed like Lolita.

Needless to say, he both hated and loved it.

'No way,' he had said with a sarcastic laugh, 'You better go change if you want me to take you anywhere.'

I pouted, feigning shock at his response. 'But babe, you said we were going to see a Russian film. I'm a young girl going out with her much older date. It only makes sense.'

He licked his lips as he looked over my body, unable to contain a smile. 'This is cruel and unusual punishment.'

I took it as an invitation to enter his vehicle, and he didn't stop me, that smug, pissed off grin still on his face.

'You're comparing me to a literal pedophile.' He whined, and I rolled my eyes.

'It's a joke. You'll be fine. I'm an adult.'

'Sure you are,' he joked. 'Sure you are, little girl.'

But to make him more comfortable, I did put on the Caltech sweatshirt I had brought along. He eyed the fabric in my hands, almost like he was surprised I still had it.

Once the large heather blue crewneck swamped my figure, hiding any hint of midriff, he was much happier to continue on our way to the movies.

So anyway, I'm pretty sure that's why he's insisting on watching the movie instead of paying attention to his super cute and very needy girlfriend.

My only evidence that he wanted to do something else was that his large hand had been resting on my thigh for the past hour. Occasionally I would look down at it, then back up at him. He would glance back, but mostly just to chastise me for not paying attention.

My head rested on his shoulder, trying to care at all about what was happening on the screen while I also tried to formulate a plan to force him into paying attention to me.

But that's when I remembered that I had something incredibly powerful in my purse that just so happened to pair perfectly with my outfit. When I bent over to grab my purse from the ground, I felt his fingers twitch against my skin as it moved underneath his grip.

I didn't look up at him as he looked at me, instead working diligently to uncover the cherry lollipop I had almost forgotten I had in my purse. As I sat back up, I popped the sucker in my mouth.

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