Ch. 17 | The Coworker

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Summary: Spencer doesn't want his coworker to know about Reader calling him.

Content Warning(s): Sexting, mutual masturbation, jealousy


I hadn't seen Spencer in fucking forever. This was the worst.

Why are there so many goddamn serial killers? That was a normal question for a college student to ask on a Wednesday night, right?

I stared at the time on my laptop for a good minute before I decided it was late enough to try to call Spencer. It was two hours earlier where he was, so it wasn't the middle of the night.

He had told me that he had made it safely, but I hadn't heard from him since. It wasn't likely that they had been at it for 12 hours straight, right? They had to sleep eventually.

The phone rang at least three times before he hung up on me. I looked down at my phone, waiting for a text to follow, telling me where he was. Or maybe a call back after a few minutes when he could step away.

Neither came. So I waited another five minutes, then called him again. Same thing— it rang three times, then nothing.

Okay, well now I really wanted him to answer the phone.

I tapped my foot on the ground, chewing on my bottom lip as I tried to decide how annoying to be. On the one hand, he was doing his job probably, so he was busy. I shouldn't get in the way of that, right? Like, stopping serial killers is a pretty high priority.

But also, I wanted to make sure he was okay and wasn't working himself to death. It was like 11pm where he is.

I went to call again, but I finally got a text message. It made me happy until I actually read it. All it said was "Can't talk."

Okay but like... why. So that's what I texted back, "Why not?"

"Sharing rooms."

Wow. What a nondescript response. Honestly, he could not have given me less information if I had specifically requested him to.

"With who? Morgan already knows about me."

At this point, I had done my research. When I went down the rabbit hole trying to find out more about JJ, I had learned about the other members of his team. Including the super weird woman who was brought back to life after faking her death.

I should probably ask Spencer about that sometime? Maybe not.

"Not Morgan." Okay. That was a really long response when he could have just told me their name. Now I was a little bit paranoid and a whole lot of annoyed.

"Are you rooming with JJ?"

Those little dots popped up, then disappeared. Then popped up... and disappeared. Well that answered my question.

"YOU'RE ROOMING WITH JJ?" I then sent again, with emphasis. He was either typing a lot, or erasing what he had. Ugh, this is the worst. Why would he room with her? It was weird!

"Don't freak out."

Okay, well now I was just mad. I immediately started calling him, which I then proceeded to do five more times after he kept hanging up on me. Eventually, he would have to do something about it. I wanted to see which something he picked.

On my sixth call, I got his voice.

"What are you doing?" He sounded kinda mad, but not nearly as upset as I was. "What am I doing? What are you doing? Why are you sleeping with her?"

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