V - diagon alley

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Arabella trailed her fingers over the silk of the dress robes as she walked past a rack, trying to decide what overpriced things to buy from the shop. After getting the necessary school shopping done, the group had parted ways, letting Arabella explore until the planned meeting time. She was happy to get a break, the Weasleys & Co were lovely, but Arabella was craving some alone time.

I definitely deserve some retail therapy after yesterday. It's not like my parents will be missing the money anyway.

Unimpressed with the selection, she turned to leave. As she exited the shop, she collided with one of the passersby, who turned to face her with a sneer.

"Watch where you-" He cut himself off as he took in the appearance of the girl who had run into him. "My apologies, I didn't see you there."

The boy looked about her age, tall and with striking platinum blonde hair. Sharp cheekbones and slightly pointy features made up the rest of his visage. He carried himself with a familiar sort of grace, something Arabella recognized from the wealthy families she grew up with.

"I'm sorry," Arabella replied, "I wasn't looking where I was going."

The blond extended his hand for her to shake. "I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."

She took his hand and replied, "Arabella Amour, pleasure to meet you."

Draco smiled. "Believe me the pleasure is all mine."

"I don't believe I've ever seen you before." A small smirk settled on his lips. "I'm assuming from your accent that you're not from around here. What are you doing in Diagon Alley?"

"I'm just picking up some supplies, I'm transferring to Hogwarts this year from Ilvermony," Arabella explained. "I assume you're a student there?"

"Ah that explains it, I'm sure I would have remembered meeting someone so beautiful," he replied. "And yes, unfortunately, I attend Hogwarts."

Okay, Mr. Smooth, I see what you're doing here. Two can play this game.

"Unfortunately?" Arabella quirked a brow, stepping a bit closer.

"You'll understand soon." Draco's face once again twisted into a sneer. "The headmaster is an old fool."

Before Arabella could respond, her wand began vibrating, a tempus charm alerting her of the time.

"I have to go, I apologize."

"Of course, I'll see you at Hogwarts," Draco said.

Arabella hurried off to the meeting spot, replaying the meeting in her mind. She spotted a cluster of bright red hair and walked over to join the group.

"There you are!" Ginny looked her up and down. "Get into any trouble while you were gone?"

Arabella laughed lightly. "No, though I did run into another Hogwarts student."

"It was Draco Malfoy," the rest of the teens' heads snapped towards her, "do you know him?"

Ron's face screwed up in disgust, "I wish I didn't, he's a bloody arsehole."

"Ronald!" Hermione admonished.

"He's right 'Mione." Harry chimed in. "He's a prejudiced pureblood prick."

"He seemed nice?" Arabella tried to reconcile the Draco she met and the Draco they described in her mind.

He did a bit stuck-up... but I doubt he's that bad.

"He's a slimy Slytherin, of course he's not nice!" Ron exclaimed.

"A Slytherin?"

"Oh I can't believe I haven't told you! It's one of the four houses at Hogwarts, I-" Hermione was cut off by Ron.

"The whole lot of them are evil gits. I'd even take being in Hufflepuff over Slytherin."

The whole house is evil? That seems extreme. Also, what the hell is a Hufflepuff?

"We're all Gryffindors," Ron continued, "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be one too, anyone decent is."


Arabella lay in bed that night, her encounter with the Slytherin playing repeatedly in her head. He hadn't seemed "evil" or even particularly mean; he was actually rather charming. What had Draco done to be so hated? What had Slytherin done?

Arabella wondered what house she would be in. Hermione had given her a quick run-down of each of the houses after they left Diagon Alley, explaining their basic traits and values.

I'm definitely not a Hufflepuff, that's for sure.

Kind was not exactly the first thing that came to mind when describing Arabella. She was known for her sharp tongue and ability to cut down those who disrespected her and her friends.

Maybe Ravenclaw?

She was certainly clever, but she wouldn't consider that her defining trait.

Gryffindor? I am pretty bold... and stubborn... and impulsive.

Though it was the last house that seemed to fit her best. Arabella had done some research on her own, borrowing Hermione's well-worn copy of Hogwarts: A History. She was clearly not about to get an unbiased opinion, even from Hermione.

Cunning, loyalty, ambition, resourcefulness.

That sounded like her, but who knows what the old hat she was told about would think?

Arabella resolved not to worry about it and began to sink into sleep. Regardless of where she ended up, she was sure she would be fine. She would have to be.

Word Count: 829

A/N - They finally meet! What do you think about their interactions? Is Draco OOC? Did you catch the AVPM reference? Let me know! If you enjoyed this chapter, please leave a vote.

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