Target 04 - Home

161 10 3

It wasn't long that they arrived in the morning. An hour passed as the neighborhood finally awakened. The sun has finally arose as the birds continue to chirp and fly at the sky. The clouds forming and gazing anywhere.

It was still quiet, but calm as the atmosphere of the place has been spreading such a nice gradient to anyone. The sun giving sunlight, it wasn't hot but it was warm instead. The sunlight strikes beam to some corners of every house in the neighborhood, giving energy to the plants.

The light also twinked and reflected to a certain household's windows, creating a sign for waking up. Those who arrived just took a nap for an hour, tired from travelling and waking up early.

The hitman in a fedora, not wanting to shock Nana, switched into his baby form temporarily. Although, it does make him remember his memories from ten years ago while he was assigned here in Japan to train a brunet to become a mafia boss. It's a good thing he switched to his baby form, he still could sleep in his hammock that was still hanging from Tsuna's bedroom. He still won't close his eyes while sleeping during in a baby form though.

For now, he's awake. Sitting on a chair while drinking his espresso made by Nana, who was cooking breakfast for everyone. She loves cooking, it can be possible that she'll just give her food to charity. Reborn was watching her cook, taking a sip from his coffee. It wasn't bad, nor that good he thought, just normal like the other espresso he tastes when he buys or makes. The espresso he only tasted good and went perfection in his taste buds was when Luce was still alive.

Ah, he remembered how he met all his fellow ex-arcobalenos before. All sitting in a circular table, not knowing each other, each are so different yet so similar. The light can only struck its beam on the middle where they sat on, the rest was dark and filled up the spaces that wasn't been noticed by the light. After all, it is a small light bulb.

No one speaks, or so they could've thought. Luce was the one who first approach each of them, one by one, carrying a basket filled with freshly baked cookies with a vase-likd container that was filled with tasty espresso. She even bought enough teacups for all of them. She went there, offering them her cookies and espresso, not everyone accepted it except for a kempo master named Fon. And there she was, confronting Reborn as she politely offers him her cookies.

Reborn, like the mysterious hitman he is, declined. Luce was being herself and continued to call him the paranoid hitman, then complimented him for having his most attractive features which is his curly sideburns.

She was the one who made him realize to love his features.


Long purple hair always suited Chrome the best, tying it on some part of her hair to make it look nice and organize. It was the same as Mukuro as well, both fit the long hair.

The wind blew their hair, swaying with the rhythm of the wind. The road was covered in brown leaves that left their mother roots, as when you stomp on it leaves a satisfying crunch of the leaf. The trees was a remarkbale shade for everyone who walks by that road, it was an empty and open field.

The Kokuyo Island, in which resides with the illusioner's loyal 'friends', has finally renovated and makes it look like home for them. It's still a huge and tall building, just fixed some areas and replaced the missing parts and hatches. Recolored it the way they want it, re-decorated with anything. As long it feels like home.

They arrived as they felt the same atmosphere of this place, somehow it feels safe for them here. The footsteps are heard clearly, making a soft sound on each walk stancing they make. They walked straight in the white tiles plastered on the floor, looking shiny as always hinting that someone has been putting a shining mop extract in here.

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