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It was raining as per usual in London, a slight drizzle really. The ground glistened from the street lamps reflecting into the wet stone pathways that zig-zagged through the city. Dog's barking echoed through the maze that was this end of London. Shabby and worn down, tight streets and leaning buildings. Two sets of footsteps were heard, bouncing off the structures. Two men, wandering the streets late at night.

"Muddz, why are we going to this thing again?" Russel boomed. Murdoc jumped a tad from the mostly silent man's suddenly loud grumble. "I like it here." Murdoc turned and shrugged slightly at the man who towered over him. Russel quirked a brow and continued to follow the lanky man. The pair continued on their journey only to meet a rather large intersection. A open area of the streets with a fountain placed in the centre. The only water that trickled from the fountain had been from the rain that had been falling tonight. It seemed there were only three ways to go from here. Back the way they came, to the right which would take them down another maze of cobble stone paths and to the left a small, cramped, dark alley way that seemed to go no where.

Murdoc smirked and turned on his leather boot heels to the left, talking long strides. "That street never ends, ya sure?" Russel questions. "Positive." Murdoc answered. The men continued down the dark alley way for quite a while, instead of the twisty streets they had been trailing for what seems like hours, this small street only travelled straight. A familiar glow met the eyes of Murdoc. As they walked closer a small business sign slowly came into view. The warm glow of light bulbs around a circular sign lit up the street once again and cast light upon the green mans face. "The Cherry? Mudd if this is one of ya stripper bars, I'm out-" Murdoc was quick to walk inside, ignoring his friends- well... colleagues comment.

The little jingle of the bell above the door had signaled the arrival of the two. Suddenly the mellow banter that flooded the room went quiet.

"Out." A voice came from behind the bars front desk. Murdoc stopped and smirked before opening his mouth to counter what the barista had said. "I said out!" They boomed again. Murdoc stepped into the business further only for Russel to peak his head inside to see what the commotion was about. "What don't you understand about out?" They said again. A woman hoped over the bar, only to step in front of the two men and crossed her arms. Her ruby red curls bounced in the process. "Miranda mah love! Mah lil' ruby." Murdoc opens his arms going in for a hug. "I don't think so." She chortled and twisted away from his grip. "I promise I won't start a fight again! Yew have my word." Murdoc held out his pinky in confirmation. "Yea? You said that every other time love." She mimics.

"But I brought a new friend! Pretty spiffy eh? He can hold me back. Ain't that right Rusell? Heh heh." Murdoc quickly wraps Russels arms around himself and pretends to struggle. "See? See? Perfectly fine eh? Alright doll face I'll take the usual and me friend here will take uh... well he can just have some water. Water's free right?" Miranda rolls her eyes and walks back behind the bar.

"Alright Russ, what say you to a front row seat?" Murdoc twists the chair around a sits down straddling it. "Do I have a choice? Man, I have to be up early tomorrow, when you asked if I wanted to go for a walk I really thought you meant JUST for a walk."

"You'll be glad you came once they get 'er started here." His eyes travelled upwards to the server placing their drinks down on the table. "Ah perfect- Russ! Russ they're startin'!" Murdoc claps his hands excitedly, only to earn an eyes roll from the other man.

The lights dimmed as the bass began to play. A voice rang from the stage.

"Hello again, friend of a friend, I knew you when,

Our common goal was waiting for the world to end."

The lights began to flash neon pinks and bright reds.

"Now that the truth is just a rule that you can bend,

You crack the whip, shape-shift and trick the past again"

Suddenly the regular stage lights narrowed down onto the band. Murdoc's anticipation showed through his grip on the chair and the tapping of his shoes against the old wooden flooring.

"Send you my love on a wire,

Lift you up, every time, everyone, ooh, pulls away, ooh,

From you..."

"Thank you!" The voice rang from the stage. There stood the singer, (h/c) haired tasseled and makeup grungey with a bold red lip. Ripped black jeans, a three quarter sleeved top and worn in running shoes.

-Your POV-

I was suddenly brought out of my daze when I heard obnoxious cheering from the front row. I rolled my eyes and muttered under my breath. "Again?" The same oddly green man came in every friday without fail, correction- he came in every show of ours even if we aren't supposed to be scheduled. I looked over to my band mates who seemed to also be confused yet again on how this guy didn't have any personal life besides stalking us.

"U-Uhm thank you...ha ha." I repeat awkwardly.

"Well do a bloody encore!!" He hollered.

I shifted uncomfortably on the stage. "Wish we could man, we've gotta go!" We packed up our things and began to exit the stage, I glanced once more towards the stage lights and smiled at the warmth it always brought.

"Hey." George, our bassist, tapped on my shoulder. "Hm?" I questioned. "The bands staying for a round, you in?" He smiled warmly. His black and white striped long sleeve tugged oh so nicely around his waist. I adverted my eyes from the handsome brunettes gaze and nodded with a quiet answer. "Yes."

As soon as the guys had taken a seat a small group of people swarmed them, taking up all the available seats. I can't really blame them. The guys were your drop dead gorgeous band hotties, they always had a new girlfriend every few weeks. I stalked my way to the only other available table which happened to be beside that crazy man. I let out a sigh and sat down thanking the waitress who had brought over my favourite drink. I sipped happily on the strawberry daiquiri.

"Thought yews were busy."

I jumped at the sudden voice that popped into my ear. There he sat, in the chair next to me as if he had teleported. "Well I am busy normally." I answered simply.

"Normally? Not lyin' to the crowd are ya? Gotta have trust with your fans eh. Or else they'll throw you under the bus quite quickly." He placed his head in his hand and tapped his fingers on the table.

"Well I normally do some homework-"

"Hold on missy, how old are ya!" He suddenly looked nervous.

"Cool it, I'm 22, I'm just trying to get some certificates in college." I stood up and looked at the man. "Murdoc right?"

He hummed in approval. "You're always in here. Don't you have a job-"

"I'm glad ya asked sweet cheeks! Im Murdoc Niccals, world renowned bassist for the one and only Gorillaz. I'm sure yew've heard of us." He continued to blunder on until my band mates walked over and grabbed my shoulder and begun to walk towards the door.

"Well Murdoc Niccals of uhm Gorillaz, we'll see ya at our next show."

"Yes yew will." He shouted.

To be continued...

(I really took my time writting this one huh? Well last time I updated I was still in like grade 9 and here I am an adult in college. I missed this! Hope you guys are officially excited ;-;)

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