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Your POV~

I couldn't stop thinking about him. We never used to acknowledge his existence much during our shows unless he was beating the shit out of someone... He wasn't particularly attractive or nice he was just some drunken man watching our shows and yet for some reason I was excited for him to watch the show tonight. Not to mention his oddly green sickly skin, the band had joked about him nearly being a zombie. I remember one particular night where a man threw a bottle at the stage and it had shattered everywhere even leaving cute on my legs. I'm not so sure that that man is still alive after what Murdoc did to him...

We arrived at the same little bar we normally played at, we had new songs to play and we even overheard of a certain scout attending the concert tonight but we didn't want to disappoint ourselves if they didn't want to sign us. Everyone was particularly cheery, more than usual even. I felt as if I kept getting weird stares by my band mates but I shook it off.

We sat in the green room, which was pretty small, not surprisingly since the bar itself was rather small. However the room was cozy, one long dark grey couch almost in perfect condition other than the one ominous white stain on the middle cushion. There were two lazy boys tucked in each corner, same sort of frantic as the couch however it was a deep maroon colour. The walls were covered in messy white and black graffiti, a little busy if you ask me. My favourite part about this room was the glittery tile ceiling, the deep grey of the ceiling really made the glitter stand out.

I sat in my usual spot on the maroon lazy boy which had a decently clear view of the stage. I've always loved the stage. The warm lights washing over me with every performance. The lights almost distracted me from the sometimes large gatherings of crowds. The warmth comforted me. I wasn't super social, nor did I like to be noticed. Kinda ironic that I chose to be a singer, bad choice on my part. But it was different having a group to back you up, it wasn't as lonely as if you were a solo artist. 

Our song line up was very strong, all of our best music would be played tonight and I was overjoyed. The butterflies in my stomach wouldn't settle for hours even days I think. 

Rustling around the room brought me out of my thoughts, my band members were grabbing their gear and getting ready to head onto stage. I took a deep breath and traced up the steps that led onto the stage, my heart thumped as the warm lights washed over me, I close my eyes and hum slightly ready to play. 

(I know this is an awful chapter and I really apologize, I didn't want to wait much longer but I'm really burnt out aswell. I'm actually really struggling in college right now... I don't want to push my problems onto everyone but I just ned somewhere to vent. So this is my first year, I took a year off after highschool to work and figure out what I wanted to take in school. It's not so much the classes that are my issue it's the environment. I'm in residence or in the states you call it a dorm, and my roommate and I get along but she already made friends and has a boyfriend to hang out with so I don't see her much. I've tried making friends in my class but they just sorta ignore me and so do the people in my hall. I only really have one friend left from highschool and she's really far away at University... I feel super alone here and I feel like I've tried everything already. If anyone has a suggestion I'd greatly appreciate it. Or if any of my readers are from London, Ontario shoot me a dm!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2020 ⏰

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