Confession Time

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Disclaimer: Allusions to affair from episode 5...

Hi everyone! Here's another longer episode. There is a lot of romance development in this episode, and someone may find out about King Manuel's affair... In this Charlotte's Gen is 16 Bea's Gen is 14/15, and Lizzie's Gen is 8. I hope you're ready for a ride - cause this episode was a lot to play through!

Character Review:


Monarch: King Edward I of Newcrest
Royal Partner: Queen Elizabeth of Newcrest
Crown Royals: Crown Princess Charlotte of Newcrest, Princess Beatrice of Newcrest, Princess Elizabeth of Newcrest

Brindleton Bay

Monarch: King Manuel I of Brindleton Bay
Royal Partner: Queen Alina of Brindleton Bay
Crown Royals: Crown Prince Phillip of Brindleton Bay, Princess Danniella of Brindleton Bay

Oasis Springs

Monarch: King Edgar I of Oasis Springs
Royal Partner: Queen Rebekah of Oasis Springs
Crown Royals: Crown Prince Jamal of Oasis Springs, Prince Fernando of Oasis Springs



I wake up with a scream and cover my mouth. I cry as I look around my room. It was bare, quiet, and it was dark out. It must have been a dream. I throw my covers off and rush to the window. I fling it open, needing fresh air. I sit near the window taking deep breaths, gasping for air and I hear the door knob to my door open.
"Charlotte?" It was Nathan. I break down crying and he rushes towards me. He wraps me up in his arms and holds me close. "Shh... I'm here." He pulls me onto his lap and I hide in his arms. "Breathe beautiful." I snuggle into his arms with tears pouring down my face. "What happened?" He asks gently, running his fingers through my curls.
"Nightmare." I whimper.
"About?" He asks gently.
"There was a fire. It was at one of the palaces, I don't know whose. But... all I know is we were all trapped. We being Bea, Jean, me, you and we couldn't get to each other. We were all screaming and then you fell and I was sure you were dead. Oh my god Nathan I was terrified." I cling onto him.
"I'm here... shh... it's okay. You're safe. I won't let anything hurt you." He says gently.
"What about you?" I ask cupping his cheeks and he chuckles.
"I'll be fine."
"That doesn't make me feel better!" He kisses me softly and I melt into him.
"It's fine. I've got you to protect me." He kisses me again and I kiss back leaning into his arms.
"But what happens when you're not here?" He shakes his head gently and kisses my forehead.
"Well then I won't be in a palace fire will I? I think by context I'd be in more danger here." I whimper and he holds me closer. "Oh beautiful. Shh. It's going to be okay. I'm right here, I won't let anything hurt you." He kisses my forehead and holds me close. We move to my bed and he pulls me into his arms. I snuggle into them and my breathing steadies as he rubs my back gently. We stay like that for a while, him just holding me in his arms protectively. I loved it, this feeling of him having his arms around me. I knew I had wanted this for so long... and I finally had it.
"And this is another thing to add the list of why I want you." I whisper as I calm down, snuggling into his arms.
"Huh?" He asks softly.
"I've never calmed down this quickly before..." I admit. "Usually when I start crying and am this upset, it takes hours to calm me down. It's been about twenty minutes." He pulls me closer and I snuggle into him more. "This is one of the many reasons I want to stay with you forever." He blushes and I smile cupping his cheek.
"Are you sure about that?" He asks gently. "We just started dating."
"Officially." I correct and kiss him. He kisses back, wrapping his arms more securely around my waist. "And I'm positive." He shakes his head, but his smile remains.
"Okay. If you're sure." He presses our foreheads together and I yawn. He smiles and cups my cheek, gently running his thumb over it.
"Stay." I whisper snuggling into his arms. He chuckles.
"You know I'll get killed if your dad finds me in your bed." He raises his eyebrows and I giggle sleepily.
"Fine... then stay until you're sure I'm asleep. Then you can go."
"Alright your highness." He laughs softly and I snuggle into his chest.
"Nathan?" I ask after a while of staying in his arms, listening to his heart beat as I feel myself begin to drift off.
"Hmm?" He asks, his fingers tangled in my curls.
"You're incredible." I mumble out before falling asleep wrapped up in his arms, with a smile on my face. Dreaming of a future with him in it... where I wouldn't only be able to fall asleep in his arms, but wake up in them...

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