Chapter 7. Caught

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Right after the New year holiday, Eric left for college in a new place, America. Even with Eric thousands of miles away, his scent lingered with Tanya everywhere she went. Tanya took Eric's worn T shirt and she slept with it every night.  She told herself she would never wash it until they came face to face once again.   Eric promised to write everyday. Tanya didn't believe he would, but he did.

In Eric's first letter to Tanya, he wrote:

-'My Darling,  I miss seeing your beautiful face, even if I never get to touch you I could always look at you from a afar.  Now I can't even do that.   It is as cold as hell here but I can't feel it right now.  Just thinking of you keeps me hot.  I am looking at your picture, the one in the two piece bathing suit.   Baby I am busting, better go take a shower to cool down.  By the way , make sure you don't wear this bathing suit while I am gone.  One Love always Eric.' 

Tanya locked her door every night and read his letters over and over again, then cried herself to sleep. She was missing him terribly. In one of his letters Eric told Tanya to go to the phone exchange on February 14th and wait for his phone call. Tanya didn't even realize it was Valentine's day. Eric just wanted to hear her voice. But it was her who totally broke down at the sound of his voice. Eric was on the other end saying, "Hi Princess," But Tanya was so choked up and crying she couldn't answer him.  "Come on Princess you are going to make me cry too," he said. 

Tanya wiped her eyes.  "I miss you so much; when will you be home?" 

"Don't do that Princess, I will be home soon, I promise," Eric told her. 

Tanya wanted to ask him if he was having sex with other girls, but didn't have the courage to ask. She was quiet. 

"Princess, you still there?" Eric asked.

"Yes, I am here."

"What's wrong? Talk to me baby."

"I just want to know if..,"  she stopped before finishing her sentence. 

"You want to know if I am being good?" he finished the sentence for her. "I don't want you to worry about that; Just remember that I love you and the reason I am here is because I need to be able to take care of you, of us when we get married." 

His answer did not seem to give her much assurance of what he was doing over there.

"Come on Tanya please stop crying.  I love you ; do you understand that? no one will ever take your place in my heart, no one; we are getting married the second you turn eighteen." he emphasized.

He could not tell her that he was being good, because he was anything but good.   Eric got into so much "shit" his first year in college, he prayed that Tanya never found out.


Tanya walked down to the bus stop to catch her bus home. She paid little attention to the car parked next to the bus stop.  As she got closer, she noticed someone getting out from the car.  She stopped frozen in place.  It was Eric.  He didn't tell her he was coming home, he wanted to surprise her.  

Tanya dropped her bag with her books and ran to meet him.  Eric picked her up heist her in the air,  brought her back to the ground and couldn't stop kissing her.  The tears rolled down her face she was so happy to see him.  It was more than five months since they last seen each other.

"I am home on  Summer break." He told her.  

"I cant believe you standing  in front of me.  You are back?" Tanya cried.

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