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For four months, everything had been quiet since what happened with the Originals and their baby. 

I wasn't in the coven anymore. I wasn't on their side, I was showing them that they couldn't intimidate me, and that they couldn't make me bow down to them, but being defiant toward them all the same. 

But that didn't stop the witches from coming after me. 


Oh, well. 

I was in the loft with Marcel. After a while, downstairs, Marcel poured himself a drink, looking out of the window that looked out over the river. 

I walked toward the door, fully dressed. 

"What's the hurry?" Marcel asked. 

"Witches trying to set up another meeting with me," I answered. "Trying to either punish me or trying to force me back into the coven. Like that worked for the last handful of them." 

"What did you do to them?" Marcel asked.

"Didn't kill them, if that's what you mean," I told him. "Just had to... get them away. Erased their willingness to try and track me down and drag me back to them." 

"Why are they so focused on you?" Marcel asked. 

"I'm the one that told you about the Harvest," I told him. "I'm the reason that you stopped it. They don't just want to kill me like they did to the others. Kieran." I sighed heavily at my best friend's name. "Sophie. They want me to suffer. They want to punish me in ways that I can't even imagine. I mean, trying to have me kill the Mikaelson baby... Who knows? That could have just been the start, for all we know."

"So you're going to face them?" Marcel asked. "Head on? You're just going to go to them?" 

I smiled. "I can take care of myself."

"I know that," Marcel told me. "Just, one of these times, they're gonna get to you." 

"No, they won't," I told him, smiling. Marcel looked out of the window, toward the city. "You're not missing anything over there. That bitch Francesca's got her werewolves on every corner. And, as usual, the humans in the know don't care as long as tourism money keeps rolling through."

Marcel sighed. "Yeah. Gotta say, never thought I'd see the day the vampires were kicked out of the Quarter." 

I smiled. "And I never thought I'd be in love with one, so I guess life is full of surprises." 

Marcel smiled, kissing me slowly. After a moment, he pulled away. "You know what I don't get?" 

"Why the werewolves still have control?" I asked.

Marcel nodded. "I doesn't make sense. If anyone can get the werewolves to back down, it's Klaus. The wolves attacked him in his home, took his town, probably killed his kid... I mean, why hasn't he struck back?"

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