Capsule 1

849 23 14

Los Angeles, California: Location undisclosed.

" So when can I finally meet you. I'd love to really get to know you more... intimately." The older man on the other side of the bright screen leered lustfully.

Just keep him on for a little longer we're almost at his location. A voice from a small concealed earpiece informed me.

"Oh... I don't know... My parents are awfully strict and they keep an eye on me like a hawk~!" I whined with a pouty face. "If my parents knew I wanted to be with a guy like you they would never allow it."  I replied coyly as I continued to play my ruse and buy them the time they needed.

"Oh just tell them that you're going to see some friends and I'll call you up a cab~." The man cooed.

I shyly peered up like a young girl would. " Are you sure that's going to work, Mister?" I replied in a cute and confused manner.  This always gets them. Nothing, but pay dirt. I thought as I heard the FBI and LAPD from the ear piece making their way onto the property.

"Of course it wi-... What's that noise?"



The door was kicked in revealing the law enforcement.

"God finally..." I murmured under my breath as I took out the ear piece. I looked to my side where the head detective and police chief sat. "So... now that, that's all taken care of... remember my commissions aren't cheap." I smiled with a playful wink.


Yup that's me; (Y/n full). I may have a young appearance, but I'm 25 years old. It makes doing jobs like taking down pedo's and any other operations that require a young pretty face for. The police are always wanting to rely on good rapport; which is what I have. So it doesn't matter if I suddenly hike up my commission prices. They got the money and they're willing to pay. I get money either way while also taking out disgusting predators. Ah~ all in a good day's work.

I had just changed out of my cute young girl outfit with it messily thrown into my duffel bag. Now in a dark navy Versace short sleeveless v-neck tailored dress with its asymmetrical 4 gold buttons. Paired with a slingback Versace black patent leather pumps, black cat eye sunglasses, and to top it off; yes a Versace leather top handle bag. What can I say I love me, some Versace. I lazily styled back my (H/l) (H/c) hair as I made my way through some small backstreet behind some houses. I was scrolling through my phone at some of my current "Boyfriends" and by that I mean rich, corrupt, and just all around disgusting men who I can leave high and dry in the end... Oh, did I forget to mention....I'm a confidence woman.

As I made my way through the back street from the sting operation location. Just a random house in the hills. My scrolling was stopped when I heard fumbling and the quick panicked steps of someone. Suddenly there was panting from a couple of garbage cans. I spotted a young man who seemed around my age in a really nice suit. He had messy brown hair and sported a pair of glasses. He certainly was of Asian descent as I don't know many American's who can comfortably be in a squat like position with their feet firmly on the ground.

Japanese Businessman? Oh~ I think I found a new boyfriend... for fun this time... okay maybe get him to spend on me a little bit.

"Hey~" I worriedly drew out as I approached him. "Are you okay?" I hunched down a little as I pulled down my glasses just to give him a glint of my (E/c) eyes as I slowly batted my eyes.

"Huh? Oh...umm... trying to get away from a crazy French bastard." His English was kinda broken, but it was still good; however, his accent didn't come off very Japanese either and yet all together it was rather...cute?

"Are you talking about me?" A voice intruded from the end of the street.

Of course the "Crazy French Bastard" would be Laurent Thierry. I sneered as I quickly pulled back my shades to hide my eyes and got back into an upright  position as the young man got up from behind the trash cans to look at Luarent head on.

The French man pointed to his own tie and the Asian businessman took a tie clip off. "A GPS?" He said in shock as he started to back away. "Who the hell are you?" The poor guy thought he was being used as a drug mule.

Just what scheme are you up to now Thierry? Drugs this time? It can't be that producer... or was it director?

"I got a Black Belt in Karate!" The brunette male bluffed as he made something of a Bruce Lee sounding noise and rushed Laurent who just merely side stepped at the right time and embassingly tripped him right into a young woman, who was setting herself in a crane position and knocked the guy out with a kick right to the jaw.

"Oooo." I winced at the site... stupidly drawing attention to myself.

"Hey, You look familiar?" Laurent mused as he rubbed his chin in thought giving off the impression like he's searching for the reason why.

"Common Luarent, now's not the time to be a horny jackrabbit." The tanned young woman said in a monotone voice.

"No, I'm sure of it." He drawled out as he approached. If I step back he'll totally catch me, just have to stay unfazed.

"Heh, I think you should listen to her." I bit back with a snarky tone. "Now isn't the time to be looking for tail."

"Ah! That's it!" He snapped his fingers like the light bulb went off in his head.

"If it isn't....My Little Succubus."

"Tch, I told you not to call me that, French Bastard." I sneered as I took off my glasses.

————————++End Capsule One++—————————-

Capsule: Makoto Edamura X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now