Capsule 2

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Hey Hello! Just wanted to pop in and say thank you for all the votes, addition to libraries and  comments they mean so much to me. I promise this story will be one heck of a ride.

Happy Reading~ <3



"Aww... don't be that way my little succubus~!" Laurent feigned hurt in a dramatic way as he held my shoulders and rubbed his stubbly face against mine.

"Ugh!" I pushed off the touchy French man. "Can you not ruin my clothes, please? Also what gave me away Thierry?" I asked with my arms crossed in an indignant stance.

"Well a few things, such as your full Versace ensemble. Don't think I haven't forgotten how much you adore this brand. Then there is trying to 'Hook up' with a man who looks like he has money." Laurent listed off as he made finger quotes around the word "Hook up."

"Hey, what's the hold up and who are you?" The tanned girl asked. She couldn't have been much younger than me or maybe even the same age? Her hair was dark and had an attractive short cut that suited her. Her body was also fit and lean, but she lacked in the rack department. Which again suited her athletic build.

"I'm (Y/n). I used to be an apprentice to this French ouf." As I pointed to the Laurent who wore the smuggest look on his face.

"Call me Abby." She relied curtly. "You'll have to tell me how you ended up as this buffoon's apprentice."

"Yeah, Succubus." Luarent happily chimed in. "Come take a drive with us and we can catch up."

"Ugh, what are we going to do with him?" I pointed to the still passed out body of the young man at our feet.

"You know me. I've always got a plan." The French man gleaming with his own self praise.

"Yeah half-baked plan. Now let's get going before he wakes up." Abby butted in.

————++Jump to the Hollywood Sign++—————

The poor guy's name was Makoto Edamame and there he hung like a trophy fish from the Hollywood sign. My guess was right when the mention of drugs came up earlier. Luarent, Abbey and the crew were going to set up; Eddie Cassano, Hollywood producer and drug kingpin. Since my "Boyfriend" wells were starting to run dry. I decided to tag along for the ride.

"HELP! ME! PLEASE~!" Edamame squealed at the top of his lungs.

"Would you look at that; his English is getting better." Luarent comments to get Makoto's attention.

"Let. Me. DOWN!" The Japanese man begged from up high. He made a few empty threats and as Luarent does best he taunts the poor guy.

"Who the hell are you guys anyway?!"

"I am a Confidence Man." Laurent replies.


"As long as you promise not to run we'll let you down, Edamame!" The blonde said as Abbey went to where the rope was anchored on the other side of the "Y" in Hollywood.

"It's Edamura!" Makoto "Edamame" Edamura shouted back as he agreed he wouldn't run. Abbey cut the rope and Makoto hit the ground like a ton of bricks.


"You said to cut him down."

"Well he was going to fall flat on the ground anyway. Even if we brought a blow up mattress it wouldn't have changed much of the impact." I said as I took a picture of Makoto's passed out body. What? His face looked funny.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2020 ⏰

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