Chapter Two

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I had successfully avoided getting in trouble, just staying quiet in class for the most part. I didn't really like Thursdays, they were just a tease of what could be, as in Friday.

After second period had ended, it seemed like my streak was done for. I saw Kitty at her locker staring down a girl like she was ready to snatch her head right from her body. Jamie and Jessica had already disappeared into the bathroom, so it was only me to go investigate.

"Ratchet Barbie, I mean Alice," Lisa said Kitty's real name like it was slime and I could see Kitty seething with anger. She wasn't ashamed of her real name, but people like Lisa said her name like it was an offence. "I know you know nothing of manners, but can you please move your ugly bag out of my way." She let a cackle, looking at her friends who joined in. Just by looks, you would expect Kitty to hang with girls like Lisa. But unlike Lisa, Kitty wasn't born in an uptight prejudice family, so she like personality rather than looks.

I came behind her, putting my hand on her shoulder, trying to keep her from charging at Lisa. "Man, its Lisa, why bother?" I asked her, making her turn to look at me. She seemed a little less angry now, which was good for Lisa.

"It is Lisa, bitch, that's why she should bother." Lisa threw her hair over her shoulder, looking me up and down, ready for me to respond. We had gathered a little audience, so maybe that's why she seemed a bit more confrontational.

"Watch your mouth." I said jerking my finger at her. Between friends, bitch was a word of endearment. From anyone else, it was an insult. "Kitty let's go, man. This is reckless endangerment." I said flicking up my brow, making her laugh. Whenever there was something wild, I called it reckless endangerment, it was my thing.

"The only reckless thing is your outfit, do you get dressed in the dark?" People all around snickered amd with her surprise I let out a laugh too.

"I don't have to look good for school, y'all bitches ain't relevant to me." I said with a shrug of my shoulders, trying to pull Kitty away. I would've succeeded if Lisa would just shut up.

"You're the one irrelevant, you low life, bitch ass hoodrat." Okay, check this out. I'm not one to have my feelings hurt by name calling. It's childish and lame. But considering it was Thursday, and the fact Lisa gets on my last nerve, and also calculating in she called me bitch twice, all I could do was retaliate.

I snatched back Kitty before I pulled back, punching Lisa square in her face. She went down, trying to grab onto what she could, but it was no use, I was already pouncing on her, my fists giving her a piece of my mind. So I didn't live in a big house and my neighborhood didn't have lame bakesales and barbeques, but I wasn't low on anyone's scale.

I couldn't even get my third punch in before someone snatched me off her. Only then I noticed, everyone was scattering away to avoid getting in trouble. I just wanted one more punch, but I was still being pulled away from the scene.

When I finally stopped, I was out of breath and annoyed. They could have at least pulled me softer. When I looked up it was Tyler, leaned over against the wall, trying to catch his breath. He was the last person I'd expect to help me, he probably taking me to the office to get suspended. I started to move away, but he grabbed on to my jacket, making me stop. I looked over my shoulder as his heaving finally stopped. He stood up, my head coming only to his shoulders. And without warning, both his hands were on the side of my face, holding me still.

"What the hell?" I grimaced, trying to pull away as he continued to search my face. He finally let out a sigh, dropping his hands to his sides.

"I should have stopped you, but I thought you had it handled. Obviously not." He said gesturing me. He continued talking, a monologue apparently, and I just stared at him. He was so close that I could see how long his eyelashes were, even the little freckles on his nose. I grabbed my face where his hands had been, feeling my face heat up. I don't think I'd ever been that close to him, ever. I tried to swallow, hearing my heart thud in my chest. Not to mention he technically rescued me just now. Me, just me. He was trying to make sure I didn't get in trouble. Maybe he--

"Hello! Earth to Nicole, stop staring at me." He said, waving his hand my face. As soon as I realized what he was doing, I smacked his hand away. I was caught up in the moment, that's what it was. I just needed to remember he was still annoying, and not attractive. Yeap.

"What, what do you want?" I said, throwing my hands up.

"I want to know if you're alright, dumb butt."

"The word is dumb ass, and why does it matter to you?"

He stared at me for a moment, searching my face like he did before, then shrugged. "What happens to the student body matters to me." He seemed to settle on, and I just rolled my eyes. Right, he wasn't my savior, he was everybody's savior. Only I would think it was something else.

"Of course it does, saftey patrol. I'm out of here." I said, shaking my head, walking around the corner.

"Hey, I'm not done talking to you!"

"Well I'm done talking you!" I yelled back. Running away from him was easier than facing the fact that I was completely wrapped up in him. He hadn't rescued me, he had stopped a fight. He was doing his job, nothing else. But it stop me from wishfully thinking that it was.

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