Chapter 2

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~Zayne's Prov~
After spending all day shopping and getting jasmines hair and makeup done. I was so tired I drove jasmine home and went straight to bed not even texting Peyton back. Every since we got back together she's been texting non stop, it's really annoying.
I got up and got ready for school. I did my hair and got my clothes then waited in the car for jasmine. I wonder why she wanted a make over.
"Hey Zayn" jasmine said getting in
"Hey ja-" I looked at her and she looked so beautiful. Her hair was straight, she didn't have glasses on because I got her contacts, she was wearing makeup but not to much and a yellow top and some shorts ( pic up top). "You look amazing"
"Thanks" she said blushing
~Jasmines Prov~
I'm kinda uncomfortable , I'm not use to looking like this not to mention Zayn hasn't stopped looking at me since I got in the car.
"Zayn keep your eyes on the road!" I yelled as we started to swerve
"Sorry but you look beautiful"
"Thanks but you still need to pay attention."
"I am" he winked
"to the road not me" I rolled my eyes
We pulled into the parking lot and I got out like usual but people were staring at me and I even heard Harry say something.
"Damn is that jasmine?"
"Yup" Zayn said
After that Harry came over.
"Hey jasmine, you look great"
"Thanks" I said blushing
"Do you maybe wanna go to the game with me tonight?"
I looked over at Peyton and she looked so mad and then I glanced at Zayn and he looked pretty pissed off to but I'm clueless on that one.
"I would love to" I smiled
"Cool um I'll pick you up at 7:00?" He asked backing up and almost tripped
"Sure" I said laughing
"Dannng girl you look good" I turned around to see jazzy and bri
"Thanks jazzy"
"What happed and how? I mean you just got asked out on a date by Harry" bri said
"Um Zayn gave me a makeover and yep I made a bet with Peyton that if I got a nice looking boyfriend they would have to leave me alone"
"Well your defiantly winning" jazzy looked me up and down
"Yea but I think Zayne's a little jealous" bri pointed out
"Why would Zayn be jealous he's the one you made me look like this"
"I don't know but we should head to class" jazzy reminded us
I got into first block and Peyton was giving me bad looks the whole time but that could be because all the boys moved over by me.
It was finally lunch time and when I sat down so did all the cute boys which ticked off jream. Harry sat next to me.
"Well aren't you quite the stunner" he laughed
"Yea they kinda crowded up my table" I laughed back
"Well then I'm glad I got to you first" he winked
Then all of a sudden Zayne plops himself right in the middle of me and Harry. Why?
"Hey guys" he put his hands around both of our shoulders
"Hey Zayn" I rolled my eyes
"So jas you wanna hang out tonight?"
"Well actually I can't, Harry's taking me to the football game tonight" I smiled at Harry
"Oh um that's ok I'm taking Peyton anyways"
After school ended I got in Zayns car.
"Hey Zayn"
"Hey jas. So you and Harry huh?"
"Yea. well it's not official yet or anything but I hope" I bit my lip
"Are you sure you want Harry? Cause you know people say he's a heart breaker."
"I've never heard anyone say that" I rolled my eyes.
We pulled in his drive way and I ran over to my house then I pulled out my phone to text the girls so they can come help me get ready.
To Bri, Jazzy,Ariana
Hey can you guys come help me get ready for the game with Harry?
From Bri: already on my way
From jazzy: uh yasss
From ariana: did you even have to ask?
The girls got hear and we got to work.
I had on a red and white crop top jersey ( pic up top) and dark blue skinny jeans and some timberlands.
"You" bri said
"Look" jazzy added
"Hot" Ariana said even tho I expected beautiful or something
"Thanks guys" I gave them a hug and the door bell rung
"Go get him" jazzy said smacking my butt while I walked away
"Hey Harry" I said opening the door
"Hey. You look amazing" he eyed me up and down
"Thanks" I laughed
~~~~~~~~~at the game~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
We were at the game now, Harry had his arm around me and Zayn kept glaring this way. I seriously don't know what's up with him.
"You look amazing. Have I told you that yet?"
"Yes the whole way here" I laughed
"I can't help it. I really like you jas"
"I really like you to" I smiled"
"Would you like to be my girlfriend?"
My eyes widened
"Uh yes. I would love to" I smiled then he leaned in and kissed me.
I looked at Zayn and he got up and walked off. I really wanna know what's wrong with him.
After the game Harry drove me home, while we were on my front porch Zayn pulled up to his house but I ignored him. Harry leaned in and kissed me and then we said our goodbyes.
I closed the door and smiled to myself. Then I heard a knock at the door.
"Harry you have to leave at some point" I said opening the door.
To my surprise it wasn't Harry it was Zayne. He walked in and shut the door.
"Zayne what's wro-" I got cut off by him quickly pushing me up against the wall and kissing me. You wanna know the worst part I didn't even stop it. It just felt so right even though I know how wrong it was. We kept going, I was on my back on the couch and he tugged at my shirt until I heard my phone star ringing I jumped up and it was Harry.
"You should probably go" I suggested
"Yea. I'll Um see you tomorrow I guess" he said walking out the door and I face Palmed myself.
The next morning I got dressed and got in the car with Zayn, it was extremely awkward.
"So are you and Harry dating now?"
"Yup" I popped the p
"Why do you think something different should happen?"
"Are you and Peyton still together?"
"Yep" he said poping the P back
The whole first and second block I was thinking about what happens last night until I got snapped out of it by someone kissing my cheek.
"Hey love" Harry said hugging me from behind.
"Hey baby" I said smiling
"You were In deep thought I hope it was about me" he winked
"U-uh of course it was" I lied thinking about how it defiantly wasn't
After school I got home and did my homework then I heard a knock on the door.
"Hello?" I said opening the door
"Hey" Zayn said waking in and looking around "is anyone home?"
"No why" I asked but then Zayn cut me of by kissing me. He took me up stairs and put me on the bed and started taking my clothes off.
"Zayn wait"
"I'm sorry we don't have to do this if you don't want to"
"No I want to" I said and we continued
We've been doing this for a couple weeks now and I know I should stop doing this to Harry but I can't. I don't want to hurt him but I don't want to quiet what has been going on between me and Zayn. I know Zayn feels guilty enough since Harry is his best friend so the best thing is to keep it a secret right?

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