Chapter 3

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I woke up this morning and checked my phone there was a text from Zayn saying he'll be over at 1:00 because he needs help with homework. Even though it's Saturday so I would rather not do homework I said ok. I looked at the time and it was 11:00 so I got up and jumped in the shower. After I was done I dried off and brushed my teeth then picked a loose blue shirt that kinda shows the side of my bra and some loose tan pants. I then went to my makeup and hair table and dried my hair I just let my natural curls take over then did some simple make up. After throwing on some shoes I walked downstairs to the kitchen where jream was.
"Mom and dad at work?" I asked even though I knew the answer.
"And justin?" My little brother
"At a friends"
"So are you doing anything today" I ask trying to start a conversation which seemed completely impossible at this point.
"Yea, actually right now" he said throwing a quick wave before grabbing his keys and leaving
After that I was all alone so I decided to go to the living room, sit on the couch and watch tv. I flipped through the channels and if I stay was on even tho I had to pay for it I watched it. At the end of the movie o heard a knock on the door which was perfect timing since the movie just went off. I quickly whiped my eyes because to be honest I was totally crying. I got up and opened the door to see Zayn's smiling face. He was wearing a jacket with a M on it with a white button up under it and some dark jeans.
"Hey" I said walking away and sitting on my couch
"Hey babe" he smiled closing the door behind him.
"So what did you need help on?"
"Oh. Um some math" he shrugged
"Oh ok. That should be easy"
We spent about and hour and a half on that most of it was me explaining how to do the problem.
"Now that were finally done what do you want to do?" He asked moving his books to the floor
"I don't know. We can watch a movie or something" I said picking up the remote
"Or we could do this" he said before gently pressing his lips on my
It started getting heated and he was pulling at my shirt.
"Zayn" I tried to get his attention
"Zayn stop" I finally got it out
"What? What's wrong" he said continuously kissing my neck.
"Zayn I can't do this"
"What?" He stopped and sat there with a confused look
"Zayn I- I can't do this anymore. I can't hurt Harry like this. You know how hard it is not to tell him. But how can I tell him that his girl friend and his best friend is having sex!" I said kinda louder then I was when I was trying to get his attention. " I just can't any more"
"Jasmine, it's not just hard on you I mean he's my best friend besides you. I don't whant to do this to him but I really like you and I can't just not be with you." He said pulling on his hair slightly
" what the hell is this! You really like me? Zayn we've know each other for ever and you've never said 'you really like me' until I started looking like this. You never even showed interest in me until now, at least Harry fucking did." I found myself yelling
"I what Zayn!? I was embarrassed? Is that what it was? And now that I look nice now it's ok?" I felt myself actually getting quite upset to where a tear was starting to fall but I whiped it away.
"Whatever jasmine your just being a fucking bitch! When you calm down then you can fucking call me." He said standing up, grabbing his books and storming out. I heard him pulled out of my driveway quite angry sounding.
I started to cry. Me and Zayn have never fought like this and I can't believe he would call me that. I also can't believe he's saying he likes me now after I change. I can't do this maybe I should tell Harry.
~Zayn's Prov~
After I stormed out of jasmines place I started thanking and she's right I came off as a complete ass. I do like her actually and I liked her before she looked like this but I guess I was just too embarrassed to show it which now that I think about it that sounds like a complete dick of me. I should really apologize to her. Most of all I shouldn't be doing harry like this but I don't plan on telling him and I need to make sure jasmine forgives me because I like her so much and I don't want to loose what we have. I have no clue what I'm going to do. Damn.
The next day I was parked outside jasmines house and she wasn't coming out so I walked up and knocked on the door.
"Hey Zayn" her mom opened the door looking confused
"Hey Ms.Villegas is jasmine ready?"
"Jasmine already left. Is everything okay" she looked concerned
"Uh yea everything's fine" that's a lie
I turned around and got In my car I had to apologize to her.
I got to school and tried looking but the bell rung and so I went to class. It seems like she's been avoiding me all day but since it's lunch shes gonna have to talk to me. I saw her walking down the hall and I quickly pulled her in taking her from Harry.
"Zayn what are you-"
"Shh just listen please. I know I was an ass and I'm sorry it's all just getting to me too and I shouldn't of taken it out on you it's just that Harry is one of my best friends but I really like you, jasmine I like you before you looked like this even though I'm not going to lie your a real turn on right know."
"Zayne" she rolled her eyes
"Sorry that's not the point but the point is there's no possible way I can give you up. I just cant" i looked at her and I couldn't help my self I clashed my lips into hers and she didn't pulled back so I picked her up and put her on the teachers desk. Just then the door swung open.
"Harry I-" jasmine started to say but got cut off
"What the hell jas. And what the fuck dude?" He glared our way then walked out.
"Jasmine I'm so sorry" I said grabbing her hand
"No it wasn't just you it was me to" a tear started rolling down her face so I took my thumb and rubbed it away. Then she barried her head in my chest.
"Shhh it's ok baby" I said rubbing my hands up and down her back to comfort her.

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