The Decision

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            *holding up phone on Snapchat*

"Wassup y'all Jayson Tatum here walking into the halls of Duke University. Getting ready for the game to start ya dig? It's gone be one of the biggest games and one of the biggest highlights of my life. After this year I'll be finally heading to the National Basketball Association, I can't wait for the future to start." I say as I turning off my recording button off Snapchat, I head into the locker room to get ready for the game. I get to my locker grab my phone and text my mom and my girl Alayna like I always do before every game.

Alayna❤️: Have a great game Deuce!!
🤩I'll be rooting for ya in the
stands with ya moms.

Me: awww man!
Tanks baby love you❤️

Momma 🤍: My twin! This is the big shot, this is what we've been achieving since day one. Get out there and kill it! Love you my baby🤍 I'll be rooting for you.

Me: Love you more Ma!
Thank you for being
the best mother ever!!🤍

I put my phone in my locker thinking about Alayna and I. We've been with each other for six months. She's finishing up her degree and I was graduating college as well. For the pass six months that we've be been together it's been perfect. We've gone out to dinner every game night except for the games that are away. Here I am getting ready for the last game of my college year. I am disappointed that I won't be playing for Duke anymore but the NBA is a big deal. Especially for the greatest players.

Even though I was heading off to the NBA in a month, Alayna and I haven't discussed our next step in our relationship. She always had her plans and I've always had mine. I've been thinking about Alayna moving with me to wherever the NBA takes me. In my opinion I don't think she'd agree to go but having assumptions isn't the answer.

The game is starting and I put on my jersey, shorts and my shoes. I wrote Alayna's name on the bottom side of my shoes just for good luck. Tonight I have to make a big impression in front of the scouts that will be recruiting me to an NBA team. The pressure is heavy right now but I have my two best supports in front of me that's all that matters.

"Bro can you fucking believe some of us going to go to the NBA?" Brad says leaning against his locker. "I know right, Duke is over for us Bro." I said while putting on my white sleeve. Brad and I know we were getting a shot to the NBA, we're the best ones on the team. "Where you think you gone go?" Brad asks "I don't know yet bro, it betta be somewhere good." I say closing my locker. Feeling the same low energy that Bradly had about us leaving each other. "You know ima always be a phone call away. Nun ain't gone stop us yea heard?" Brad says giving me a dap that we'd made up years ago. "Of course bro. Brothers for life." I said while the other guys came into the locker room.

Once everyone was in the locker room we all had mix emotions about tonight. Some of us were staying at Duke and some were heading to the NBA.

As coach came into the locker room we all started to chant his name in belief that we'd win tonight. "Alright settle down." Coach says and we all sit down on are benches around the room. "Listen up y'all, no matter how tonight goes y'all will always be winners to me. Doesn't matter if you get recruited or not, you are still Dukes destiny. I want y'all to play like we've always been playing. This is our home and our game. And just to let you know I am very proud of you all. Y'all never shown me weakness on this team. "Coach says and all of us take in every word he says. "NOW GO OUT THERE AND WIN THIS GAME, DEVILS ON THREE, 1,2,3!" Coach says, as all the teammates rise up out are seats and wave their fists in the air chanting "DEVILS" loudly enough for Duke fans to hear.

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