Sleep My Dear

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{Kirari's POV}
I tried to fall asleep, but it was very hard for me tonight, but I didn't understand why. I usually sleep like a baby, but tonight I feel terrible. I sat up in my bed, around 4 am, I couldn't believe the time, but I got up and threw on some silk pajamas, I then tied my hair into a ponytail. I usually wear braids, but I was just getting up for a bit. I stretched out my body, then walked over to Sayaka's room, I wante her to be prepared for a big day ahead of her. We had lots of gambling to do today, so I hope she got better sleep than me. I knocked on Sayaka's door, what almost seemed like two seconds later, she opened it. She had her hair down, she wore purple silk pajamas, similar to mine. She rubbed her eyes a bit, but still let me come in. "Hello, Sayaka Dear. I'm sorry if I awoke you, I couldn't sleep well at all. I was hoping you got better sleep?" Sayaka looked at me with a guilty expression. "Well, I actually couldn't sleep either, I had something on my mind all night. But, it's very unfortunate that you didn't sleep well, here. Miss president, let me do your hair for the day" Sayaka says as she stands, and pulls out a chair in front of a brand new vanity.

{Sayaka's POV}
I offered to do miss presidents hair, hoping she wouldn't mind. You see, I couldn't focus on sleeping the whole night. All I could think about was miss president, and her beauty. I thought about every detail. Her slim yet curvy body, her clean, soft hands. Her blue nails, light as could be. Her perfect jawline, her blue plumpish lips, her perfectly small nose, her sparkling blue eyes, the color of cotton candy, her blue eye makeup, and long fluttery eyelashes. Her whiteish, silvery hair, in two twisted braids, aligned in loops. I dreamt of her, every day. I spaced off a bit, but finished the presidents hair. "Perfect, as always" she says with a smile. I expected her to leave, but she then lead me to sit on the chair. She combed through my hair, putting it in a side ponytail, and tying ribbons around the top of it. She's never done my hair before, but it looked 10 times better than when I do it. I whispered to myself, "I-I have to tell her, I need to speak up"

Ik this is literally sooo long bUt anyway i hope you like this chap!

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