Apple Tv

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Imagine this:

Harry invited you round for a sneak peak of his new short movie. You're both in the living room, sat on the sofa. He's connected his phone up to the Apple TV and he's showing you the incomplete movie.

Once it's finished, he looks at you for your opinion and constructive criticism.

"So? What do you think?" He smiles slightly

You chuckle and look at him with a tear in your eye "I really liked it, it's very sad but it's a nice sad. if that makes sense" you laugh softly

Harry smiles softly and cups your cheek wiping the tear away as it falls. The breath catches in your throat as you lean towards Harry, your eyes glued to his lips. Harry leans in and kisses you softly. You kiss back, it feels as if the world has stopped spinning, as if time had stood still for you both to enjoy this moment.

Harry pulls back with a smile and breaks the silence "so? cuppa tea?" He says

"Ooh yes please... 2 sugars and a TINY amount of milk, I don't want my tea bag swimming in an ocean of milk" you laugh softly

Harry nods taking himself and his phone out to the kitchen where he starts to make the tea for you both. You pull on Harrys cherry hoodie and lean back so your back is against the back of the sofa just as Harry starts to use his phone out in the kitchen. As it's still connected to the tv you can see everything he does. You watch him go onto Instagram and scroll through a models Instagram... you watch him like roughly 10 photos in a row and comment "🔥🔥🔥" on 3. This gets you upset. He walks in the teas and bites his lip as he concentrates to make sure he doesn't spill the teas, passing you the mug that you claimed as yours when you both started talking. Harry grins at you wearing his hoodie

"It looks better on you than it does me" he says as he sits down next to you. His smile fades as he realises his phone is still connected to the tv.

"Why would you ever kiss me?, I'm not even half as pretty as her.." you say as you look down at his hoodie before standing up and putting the mug of tea on the coffee table "I should go.. I mean it's not like there's anything between us anyway" you say as harry stands up

"Please stay, i didn't mean anything by that" he says as he watches you walk to the door, he follows you out

"I'm going to go; I think it's the best for us anyway" you open the front door to leave but Harry shuts before you can get out.

Harry takes you by the waist and leans you against the front door. He looks into your eyes, your heart is beating so fast you think it's going to burst out of your chest, harry whispers "I like you better" he uses his index finger to lift your head before placing a small soft kiss on your lips before you can argue back with him.

Harry Holland Imagines vol.1Where stories live. Discover now