the beach

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hinatas pov.

it's last period, and i'm in math class. two more minutes until school ends and i get to go to volleyball practice. i can barely sit still, i never can. i'm always so excited to see the people in my team and play volleyball with them. especially excited to see them today since i haven't seen any of them at school all day. i wonder where they were.

two minutes later

i'm running to the gym, i don't want to waste any time. usually by now i'd see kageyama running beside me trying to race me to the gym, but he's not here.

i look inside the gym in hopes that he'd be there but he wasn't. neither was daichi. he's usually the first one here because he's a seniors. seniors get off last period earlier than everyone else.

i picked up a volleyball and started practicing my serves. i guess i'll just have to wait.

one hour later

where on earth are they? they should've been here like an hour ago.

i should call sugawara and see what's going on. maybe practice was cancelled and i just didn't know.

i slid my phone out of my pocket and dialled suga's number. okay here we go.

"hello, this is koshi sugawara," suga said through the phone.

"hey suga! its me hinata," i replied to his greeting.

"O-oh hey Hinata," he said in a nervous voice. I was confused but I didn't hesitate to ask "Where are you guys?"

"Daichi and I are at the beach but I don't know about the oth-," he got cut off by a familiar voice.

"Hurry up Suga-san. We're about to start the game!" It was Kageyama.

"Hold on, I'll be there in a minute. I could hear Suga say even though he was covering the mic of his phone.

"Suga-San? Was that Kageyama?" I asked inquisitively.

"Uh y-yeah," he stuttered.

"Hurry up Suga-san. The others are waiting!" Kageyama yelled again.

"Others? Who is there Suga-san? Don't lie to me," I asked. I was getting really curious.

"The whole t-team," he said in a nervous voice. He could tell that he had hurt my feelings. "I'm so sorry Hinata, but the others didn't want to invite you."

"Oh okay," I said. My voice was breaking down and I felt a tear trying to escape out of my eye.

"Crying are for the weak". This memory had come back to me. The last words before my dad has passed away. I tried to hold myself back, but I just couldn't help it. I hung up the phone and went back home.

When I got back home, I laid on the bed and cried for hours until my mum and sister came home. I hadn't even realised they were gone. They were always at home when I arrived from school. Oh yeah, I forgot, I didn't have that extra two hours of practice today.

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