train wreck

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You used to be an undercover agent but you decided to transfer to the BAU to become a profiler. You became friends with everyone easily, especially with Dr. Spencer Reid. You two were able to hit it off immediately after you joined and you both spent time together outside of work.

You and your team was working on a case at the table but Hotch pulls you away from everyone.

"What's up?" you asked him and he hesitated before telling you.

"I may need you to go undercover for this case and I may have Reid join you for this one as well."

"What? Are you sure?" you asked him as you paced back and forth with your arms crossed.

"Y/n I wouldn't be doing this if I wasn't sure. We've been working on this case for far too long and going undercover is our best bet." You thought about and you had to give in,

"Fine I'll do it. What do we need to do?"

"Come on, I'll share the plan with everyone." You and Aaron walked back to the table and you see Spencer giving a confused look. You pointed your head towards Aaron who was standing in front of the tv.

"Y/n and Reid will be going undercover. We've tried everything to get the unsub, but we've had no luck. This is our last option so we're counting on you both to get the job done. Here's the information for the job." Aaron hands both you and Spencer a file.

"Hold on, me? What about Derek or you?" Spencer was shocked about the news.

"You will fit in the role better with y/n than either of us. We have your outfits in the restrooms waiting for you both so I suggest you get ready quickly."

Spencer just nodded in return and gets up from his seat, with you following behind. You both changed and got ready in the bathrooms, you wore a long black dress with silver heels while Spencer had on a tuxedo. You had to admit, he looked hot in his suit.

You and Spencer grabbed your guns and ear pieces so you can keep in touch with your team. You both headed to the car as Spencer gets into the driver seat and you in the passenger.

"Okay before we go anywhere, we need a safe word." you said to him as he starts the car.


"Yes really. If something bad happens, we use our safe word. You know what? I'll just pick one, train wreck." He nodded in agreement and you both headed off.

You arrived to the party that the unsub would be at and you fitted in just nicely. You found the unsub talking to someone so you decided to go for it.

"Wait, y/n." Spencer pulls you back

"I'll be fine Spence, just stay here and mingle with a few people. I'll be right back." he gave a concerned look but you reassured him and went to the unsub.

"Excuse me sir? Can I just say, you're looking rather fine tonight." you said as you got his attention.

"Why thank you. Would you care for a dance, m'lady?" he holds out his hand and you took it.

"Of course." but instead of going to the dance floor, he leads you to a hallway.

"Train wreck, I repeat, train wreck. Pull me out."  you whispered into the earpiece.

"Sir, mind if I ask where are we going? The dance floor is out there."

"Don't worry, darling. I'm just gonna take care of some things first." he ripped your earpiece out, knowing you were FBI. He pushes you against the wall and chokes you.

"I know you're FBI, what they don't know is i'm going to kill you." you couldn't breath as he kept gripping your neck tighter and tighter.

You flailed your arms and legs but you got weaker so you just gave up.

"That's more like it. Say hi to your father for me." he whispered before grabbing a knife out of his pocket.

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