~{ Chapter 2 }~

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A few hours later, all of us decided to head to bed. Chloe turned off the light as I looked up to the ceiling, thinking about what would happen tomorrow. Would it be fun? Exhausting? We never knew. My eyes slowly closed as I drifted off to sleep.

─── ・ ☆: * .* :☆. ───

~{ Monday, 06:23}~

~Y/n's POV~

I woke up to my alarm, blaring beside both bunk beds. I groaned as I got up and wiped my eyes. This felt too early, "What time is it?" I asked while still feeling a bit sleepy.

"It's 6:23 a.m.," Lyssa answered. She might have awakened a few minutes ago. She sounded more fresh, if that was the word for it,

"Why is it so early anyway?" Chloe said too with her sleepy voice while opening her curtain, "Because breakfast time is at 7 am and you guys need to get dressed and ready," Anna said from the bathroom, I could hear the sound of the hair dryer being turned on. We could tell she just finished showering. They then went to the closet room and closed the door to start getting dressed for school,

"That makes sense." Chloe stretched her body. I got up from my top bunk bed and then went down. I peeked outside the window and noticed some students were already walking around, it was still pretty dark outside. Most of them were either junior or senior, 'How the heck can they get up so early?' My mind got brushed off when Chloe touched my shoulder,

"Do you want to take a shower first or do you want me first?" She asked while wiping her eyes and yawning, she still looked sleepy,

"You can go first." I smiled at her. I opened my phone and looked through my Instagram, I checked IG stories from several users, and then Wiishu's came up,

(A/n's note: If you're a Muslim, I know you have to wake up before 6 am so, so you may change this part to a plotline that you have in mind. You may just wake up after taking naps after you pray (Because I usually do that ))

 You may just wake up after taking naps after you pray (Because I usually do that ))

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'I like her outfit. She still became fashionable even as a teacher,' I thought. I continued tapping my screen to watch several IG stories from the users I followed, waiting for my turn to take a shower.

Anna just finished getting dressed and walked outside the door. She was already in the school uniform. It was a white shirt with the school logo, a red tie, a black blazer, red pants, and white socks.

I was curious about what I would look like in the school uniform. I laid back on the bean bag for a few minutes and waited for Chloe to finish showering and changing.

For more than 10 minutes, I felt like my consciousness slowly drifted away from sitting down on the bean bag, I swear, it was consuming my body. It was comfortable. Before that happened, I heard Chloe slightly shout, "I'm done!" She wore the school uniform but the outwearing was a white sweater. My eyes shot back open and I got up from the bean bag,

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