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Harry hadn't had that good of a nights sleep in ages. The comfort of Draco's shirt and smell lulled him off to sleep. He was going to enjoy this new relationship with the Slytherin... a lot.

"C'mon mate, I'm bloody starving" Ron whined as Harry raced around the dormitory getting ready. He slept so good, that he accidentally slept in slightly and didn't want to wake up.
"Hold on I'm almost ready!" Harry breathed as he threw on his robes and shoes. Malfoy's shirt tucked safely in his suitcase with the rest of his unpacked clothes.

The two boys raced to the great hall to meet Hermione for breakfast. They were scanning the Gryffindor table everywhere for her but couldn't see her.
"I can't find my own girlfriend" Ron said and Harry laughed.
"Harry! Ron! Over here" Hermione called. They turned to see her sitting at the end of the Slytherin table in the very back with Malfoy, Zabini and Parkinson. The 4 were sitting a distance away from the rest of the Slytherins.

Ron made a face that translated to awe hell nah, but Hermione in return gave him a sharp look. He glanced over at Harry, who just nodded his head and made his way over to sit next to Hermione.

Ron and Harry sat on either sides of 'Mione. Harry a-crossed from Malfoy and Ron a-crossed Zabini.
"Good morning Gryffindor boys" Pansy gave them a warm smile.
"Morning Pansy" Harry smiled back. Ron just gave a nod and small smile.
"You too are fashionably late" Hermione scolded.
"Well golden boy over here over slept" Ron huffed. "Trust me otherwise I would have not been late I'm starving" he groaned pushing a whole pancake in his mouth. Hermione elbowed Ron in the side for his poor manners and he spit some of the pancake out, which only upset Hermione more.

Draco smirked and turned to Harry. "Sleep well Potter?" he teased. Harry got slightly flustered but brushed it off, "Yes Malfoy I did thank you very much."
"Guys it's only Sunday, we have all day free before classes start tomorrow to do whatever we want." Blaise spook up.
"Omg yes!" Pansy squealed. "We should all go to Hogsmade together!"
"That sounds so fun!" Hermione smiled. "You boys down to go?" She was talking to Ron and Harry.
Ron had too much food in his mouth to respond so he just nodded.
"What about you Potter?" Malfoy asked.
Harry couldn't tell if he was imagining it but he thought he heard some hope in his voice.
"Of course."
So after they all ate breakfast (which went surprisingly well. They had a lot more in common then they thought) the 6 made there way to Hogsmade together along with a bunch of other older students.
Harry smiled to himself. He could definitely get used to this.

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