Caught Like a Bug

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Everything ached...

That was the first thing you realized as you awoke.

Absolutely everything in your body was jacked up.

Healing, but jacked up regardless.

The tenderness in your muscles made you not want to get up-

So instead of trying to figure out where you were, you sat on the floor, curled up into a ball, and wishing you knew why you feel like you just ran a marathon.

The last thoughts you had were scattered and vague- misted over by a heavy mental fog. You remember actions, and feelings, but only small moments. When you were on fire- Angela digging her fingers into the fur of your neck- a c h a s e...

It took awhile for you to open your eyes. Awhile longer to make sense of the room you were in.

Blank, and shiny steel met your eyes. No matter which way you turned, it was all the same story.

Dents and claw marks were scattered all over the room, deforming the metal and leaving it a complete mess.

This had to be a cage. The cage- the one they were going to put you in come tomorrow. And yet you were already here, and you had apparently been awake at some point, awake enough to rampage in such an enclosed space.

There was a speaker in the ceiling, and enough vents for proper air flow, but other then that, you had no idea how to get out.

Or how you could even get out.

Instead of trying, you layed your head on the floor and just heaved a sigh.

This hurt your brain way more then it should.

You wanted to go to your room and sleep in your nice comfortable bed.

What was strange was the fact that you couldn't hear your wolf that well. Merely a small echo reverberating in your thoughts and turning into gibberish the moment it reached you.

Your beast should be more active then ever, today was the day after all.

Oh joy.

Heaving out another sigh, you barely flinched when the speaker above you started up, "How're you feeling...?"

The voice was raspy- and it took you a moment to place who it was. Jack.

"Like shit." You called through your voice, which was all but shot.

A small huff came through the speaker, and if you didn't know any better it sounded borderline amused.

"I'll open the door, one moment."

The speaker died off again, and with a grumble you kept limply laying on the floor.

The hissing noise of hydraulics filled the room, and startlingly enough, the entire wall was a door, a very thick door, that pulled back before retreating into the side of a hallway.

In came Jack, strutting in with his usual confidence. He didn't seem angry, for once, and he simply waltzed over to your limp body and stood next to you. A blanket was thrown on you, and you hadn't even realized you didn't have clothes on.

Oh yeah- they ripped. How long were you a wolf?

"..." you glanced at him, before closing your eyes again.

Jack kneeled next to you nudging your bicep, "Need a hand, soldier?"

With a groan, you nodded, wrapping the blanket around yourself before letting Jack grab your arm and pull you onto your feet.

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