Chapter 11

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Alex hadn't realized how loud the long painful sigh she released was until Luke and the other two occupants of the elevator simultaneously tilted their heads in her direction. She could only straighten her shoulders in response and stared at the reflective steel doors. She had not meant to be so obvious in her distress and mentally scolded herself to rein it in before she got to Mallory. She had tried to shake off the dreadful feeling overwhelming her, but it wasn't easily done. She felt Luke's stares but refused to acknowledge him, her mask of control was failing. Her mind was filled with scenarios of what happened in Mallory's home. All of them created a gut-wrenching physical response, but the worst she could come up with didn't compare to what happened. She forced her mind to focus on the facts and Mallory's crucial information.

When the door finally opened to the floor, Alex pushed through in hopes to create distance from Luke. As much as she needed him there she wanted time alone with Mallory. He would only hinder the realness in their conversation. When he called her to say he had a phone call and would catch up, she felt immediate relief.

Unprepared for what she'd see, Alex slowed her approach to the room. Stopping at the door she felt the reality of the situation. Mallory looked so fragile. Though her skin tone was already light she looked exceedingly pale. The bronzy tints of her shoulder-length hair contrasted on the white pillow and splashed around its curves. Mallory's eyes slowly opened when she heard Alex's footsteps. Her lips parted slightly, but no words came out. Alex wanted to smile in encouragement but couldn't.

Mallory's eyes were dull and distant, lacking their usual emerald sparkle. Alex wasn't sure if it was the pain meds or the shock of reality  left her appearance to be nothing more than a shell of her former self. Either way, Alex proceeded carefully. Finding a chair tucked in the corner, she lifted it and swung it around, placing it next to the bed. Mindful of the IV and other wires, she drew their hands together.

"Hey," she forced out.

Mallory just stared at her. Alex knew there wasn't an appropriate greeting. The myriad of topics she wanted to discuss ran through her mind, but she struggled to find the right moment to start asking any of them.

When the silence became too much, a burst of courage had Alex trying to break through. "Are you up for some questions?"

"If you answer mine." Mallory's delivery was weak. The power normally behind every word she spoke was gone.

"Of course," Alex answered, but wasn't ready for the truth hovering around them.

"Tyler." In saying his name Mallory's eyes filled with tears.

Alex could see she knew, but there was a need for a verbal verification from her that he was gone.

"Hazel." Alex had to stop. Gently she squeezed the hand she was holding and choked down her pain and tears to answer, "Hazel's taking really good care of him."

Mallory's eyes sealed, but that didn't stop the tears from falling. More guilt welled up. Suddenly the weight in the room was suffocating and words were impossible. Alex didn't speak; she waited. Nothing was right at that moment. It took all of her compartmentalization skills to not lose her composure and cry with her friend.

"You said," Mallory whispered, bringing Alex back around, "You said he'd be okay."

"I'm sorry," she tried, but the words were empty. They sat in agonizing silence. A devastating heartbreak dominated the room's energy.

When the tears halted long enough for a breath, Alex couldn't let it pass and had to ask, "Who did this?"

Mallory licked her lips as if to speak, but Luke standing patiently in the doorway interrupted her efforts. Mallory's head dipped away and released a slow jagged exhale. Alex could tell the visit was exhausting her, but she had to know who was responsible and what she saw.

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