random Shigaraki X Reader headcanons

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♡︎He shamlessly loves to watch you sleep, you may not and hopefully don't know this but if you were uncovered and getting cold he would pull the covers over you and kiss your forehead or just take a picture.

♡︎You're his player 2. Literally. He'll say it in public, the league, anywhere. He also asks you to play games with him.

♡︎When you do say yes (which is all the time btw), he lets you sit in his lap and at times, and kisses your head silently.

♡︎Very protective. He gets jealous of anyone who looks at you, from a guy giving you interesting looks, to women admiring your obviously beautiful frame, even to babies in strollers. He'll either disintegrate them or give them bad looks.

♡︎He treats you like a queen, he gives you attention when you need it, buys you things weither you want them or not.

♡︎At times when you have to go out alone he makes a nomu or two go with you to protect you from traffickers,kidnappers,other villains, or just disgusting men trying to cat call you.

♡︎He actually loves cuddles. Besides being so touch starved and his destructive quirk, he loves it when you two are just laying or sitting in bed and he gets to kiss your head or hands, while you hold him or kiss his hands as well.

♡︎At first he was very insecure and scared about being in a relationship with you, for obvious and main reasons he didn't want you to disappear like most people in his life. So please don't leave him.

♡︎When Shigaraki first saw you, he knew he was in love. He tried to give you hints by staring at you but it only made you feel like he hated you.

♡Often times when you get caught up in your gaming too much and don't eat or sleep much, he gets worried and tries to take your switch away.

♡︎He likes to pretend to lose in order to make you happy, he just loves seeing you silently cheering in victory he mainly thinks it's cute when you do that. But he also thinks your cute when your frustrated.

♡︎He doesn't let you go on missions often because he's afraid enemies will find you and hold you captive, or because he's afraid you'll find someone better than him.

♡︎But he will let you go if Twice,Mr.compress,or Toga(maybe all of them), go with you to escort you away if things get too hairy.

♡︎Fun act, he actually likes Studio Ghibli. Sometimes he'll even get you merch or clothes of the movies they make.

♡︎His favorite non-digital game is cards against humanity.

(Sorry I didn't get very many headcanons but if any of you have any ideas please tell me and I'll try to write them down, they can be SFW or nsfw since I'm doing both)

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