Angels and Devils AU

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(This will kinda have a sad ending but not super sad I guess depends on how you handle it)

Your POV

I was laying in bed trying to fall asleep when I heard a sharp tapping noise at my window.

'Please don't let it be him...' I prayed in my head.

The tapping got louder and longer. I didn't answer.

'Maybe if I pretend to be asleep he'll leave...' I thought vigorously, feeling my dove white wings tremble.

You see... I'm an angel and my boyfriend Shigaraki is a demon, it is strictly forbidden for having to witness an angel and a demon sharing passionate love. Or they will be sentenced to death.

"(Y/n)....player two!....(Y/n) come on! I know you're up!" He said in his raspy voice.

I sighed quietly getting up and opening my window, a shadow of red and black ran in.

All of a sudden I felt a warm and skinny body hugging me. I hugged back missing how he felt in my arms.

"I missed you...." He shyly and quietly muffled in my shoulder,

"I missed you too..." I answered back smiling.

Tomura starting gently rubbing my soft white feathers, my face heated up as I quivered out of pleasure.

"T-Tomura... stop.." I quietly said, feeling my face heat up more when he chuckled, his warm breath hitting my ear.

"What? Afraid you like it... Come on you know you do...." He answered slyly.

He soothingly moved his hands up my shirt gently clawing at my lower back, while I dug my fingers into his clothed shoulders.

Of course me and Tomura have had sex before but... A. It's been awhile and B. My parents were only a room nearby.

His hands went even farther up my back as he reached to my bra, his fingers held one clasp and the other held the other.

"N-no seriously Tomura...stop please." I begged Tomura stopped and looked at me worried, or maybe angry possibly both. My questions were answered when he said.

"Are you...not attracted to me anymore?... is it the war coming up?" I tensed when he asked the last question.

"Yes...the war, if we're caught. If I have to fight you, or someone else kills you...I won't be able to live with myself..." I felt tears slowly come to my eyes.

"Hey. There's nothing to cry about... geez!" He says wrapping his soft bat-like wings around me, he gently and cautiously lifted a finger up to wipe my slowly escaping tears.

"I'm sorry it's just that...if we get caught, we'll both be considered demons and be put to death. And separated in hell, but I don't want that for us..." You say tearing up even more.

"(Y/n) stop... you're hurting yourself more by trying to finish." He scolded setting me down on my bed.

I lifted my hand up and said.

"Hey Tomura can we...cuddle? please..." You shyly asked.

Tomura blushed from feeling you sitting his head on your chest as you brought your hand up to pet his messy hair.

'What am I going to did with him?' You thought falling asleep with Shigaraki on your chest

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2020 ⏰

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