My summer mainly consisted of Korean drama, eating, and staying in bed. Well, that doesn't sound so bad, does it?
My parents constantly told me to get off my ass and do something with my life. Well I was..kind of. Learning Korean through Korean drama is doing something, right?
Here I am, laying in bed at like what, 12 in the night now? Thinking about everything. From food to school to Jung Yong-Hwa (HE'S SO HOT) to food to 7th grade. Thinking back, 7th grade was okay...better than 6th grade. Remembering the arguments and traumatizing events. I don't even remember if I even tried in class. However, I DO know that I procrastinated A LOT in math class, especially since I had advanced math. 8th grade was great however!
I really jacked up my life then.
Life did get better however over the course of the school year. Made new friends, laughed more, new experiences. I did a whole lot better in 7th-8th grade, grade/class wise. Luckily, the people I love and care for are going to the same high school.
I remember the tears I've shed on the last day of school. I honestly did like going to school, some of the work was fun and I went to see the people I love and care for. I remember how my friends went to visit another class to see their friends (leaving a confused Piper behind *insert annoyed face*). I cried especially knowing my newfound friend, Joshua (who constantly ran around yelling "I'VE GOT IMPLANTS" with his backpack slung around him backwards in the morning, which was quite hilarious), was moving to New York. God damn friends who don't tell you the good shit.
But you gotta admit, you still love them in the end.
Middle school is too much. It starts off horrible for most and ends better than the beginning. Middle school is harder than high school to be honest. It's where you struggle to find yourself, you know?
6th grade was horrid. I remember dating this guy, who I thought loved me dearly. But I remember how one summer, he wouldn't text me because all he wanted to do was game. I remember how I did a bunch of bad shit just to get what I want and every time, it dealt with him. That's why I was involved in a shit load of arguments in 6th grade. I was blind, possible loved him like a drug, and didn't see that he didn't do me good.
I hopelessly tried to reason, to make him look less bad. It did somewhat work but most of the time it didn't.
With a long, tired sigh, I pull up my blanket, turn, and welcome sleep.
- - - -
My phone lights up, notifying me that somebody actually texted me (LIFE IS GREAT). I pick up the phone and slide to read the message.
It's Joshua's Kik.
I stare, dumbfounded. Wondering why he had the need to message me. We barely talked, but did share a friendship where we wouldn't have a reason to murder each other. least I hope so.
I'm coming back.
I rub my eyes, blink a couple times, and look at the message again. The same three words meets my eyes once again.
Joshua: Yessss
Me: HOLY CRAP MAN *beams with happiness*
Joshua: You're the second I've told.
Me: THE HONOR.I wondered why he told me second.
I know why.
Because I'm a beautiful, awesome, person who deserves to know everything first because my reactions are always enjoyable.
But honestly, I am happy that he's coming back. Maybe this time, it'll give us a chance to actually build up this friendship.