Run Away Sister

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your Midas' little sister in this, nothing romantic happens (obv) but I wanted to write something like this, kinda sad? Idk. It's a bit random. Just for thought you're in your late teens and he's in his twenty's. this is also inspired by the song above.


Y/N walked into the kitchen to see her parents observing another award Midas had gotten for his achievements. Of course, why would it be anything new. The girl timidly walked into the kitchen and looked up at Midas and smiled.

"Congrats." She said, hiding the jealousy and slight pain in her voice.

"Thanks, y/n/n. Mom and dad were just talking about taking me out to dinner. However, they just reserved it for three people." Midas said, realizing and his smile dropping. "Mom, y/n can't come..."

Y/N frowned as well, but she expected it. "No.. no. It's ok.." she said, her voice cracking. Tears finally welling up in her eyes. "It's not like you guys ever include me!" She said, her voice loud.

"Hey! Watch who you're talking to, missy. When you finally do things as great as your brother does then we will start taking you out places. Rewarding you. Why would we spend our money on a daughter that brings nothing to the house?" Her dad roared. She stood in place and nodded shyly.

"You're right, I'm sorry." She said, rubbing her eyes and running back to the living room, making her way upstairs.

"Dad, y/n does plenty for the house! You can't say th-" Midas began to say but was cut off when their mother started speaking.

"Like what? Uses all the water, eats all the food, leaves the lights on. She doesn't pay a single bill." Their mother said, scoffing.

"She doesn't have a job, you won't let her get her i-"

"Enough talking back before we change our mind. Now.. you go get changed."


Midas turned on his heels and went to make his way upstairs. He went into his room and got changed into more comfortable yet still formal clothes. Left and went to make his way to the bathroom but as he passed y/n's room he heard light sobs.

He knocked on the door gently before twisting the doorknob, peeking inside. He saw his little sister on her bed with puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. She was holding the picture she kept on her nightstand. It was everyone posing together with smiles on their faces. Midas sighed gently and y/n quickly put it back on the nightstand and hid the drawstring bag under her pillow.

"God, you scared me... w-what do you want." She asked, gently rubbing her eyes to make herself look more presentable.

"I heard you crying, wanted to check up on you." Midas said, standing straight yet leaning against the door frame. "I'm sorry dad was a jerk, and mom didn't help."

"It's ok.. I don't know why I expected anything else. I'm truly worthless to this fami-"

"Don't you dare say that. Don't even think that, y/n. Your parents only like me because I can make them wealthy with a literally snap of my fingers."

"Yeah well at least they love you.."

It went quiet in the room rather quickly after she said that. Midas shifted on his feet and shook his head.

"I'm sure they love you.. everything changed after.. you know." He said, shoving his gold hands into the pockets of his black blazer.

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