The springtraps here to rescue us

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2 evil eyes

The scene opens up on view on the phone with epsilon once again

View: let me get this straight, you want to not do the next episodes of rvb, and instead do them later?

Epsilon replied on the other side of the phone

Epsilon: yup!

View sighed

View: is this gonna be another Deadpool?

Epsilon: What? Nooooooo

View hung up and returned to his audience, opting to just start the next video instead of going around and listening in to there conversations.

The scene opens up on two men in a dimly lit room, With the first man holding a barely recognizable mic. This seemed to be an interview, with a strangely ominous tone to it.

Interviewer: so what makes you so good for this job?

The man across from him leans into the light, showing an older Jaune arc.

Goodwitch: it seems mr arc is being interviewed, but for what?

Qrow threw his drink at the screen

Qrow: what's with the lighting? You mess the video up floating ball?

View grumbled as he cleaned up the mess

View: No I did not.

Jaune: well to start off-

The video cuts to Jaune making some weird robotic bunny

Jaune: I'm a very dedicated worker.

Blake's eyes narrowed

Blake: something's off.

Yang: what's with all this ominous cuts?

Jaune: when I have a goal, I complete it-

The scene cuts again, this time to Jaune dawning the golden bunny suit.

Ren: what's he doing?

Nora laughed, a very bad decision

Nora: he looks so goofy in that thing! It's like one of those old attractions that used to travel around!

Jaune: when I get knocked down-

The scene cuts to Jaune  standing in a dimly light room with leaking water

Jaune: I always come back

The water drops down, almost in slow motion, and lands on jaunes suit. He looks at where it landed for a second, seemingly unfazed. But the springs in the suit quickly malfunction causing them to snap into jaunes body, Chris bing his bones and organs, and sending metal into his body, almost like stabbing him. Jaune screams in pain as he rattles on the ground for a second, but stops, as all that could be heard was the dripping of the water.

Mercury quickly went to a trash can

Mercury: Holy shit!

Velvet gasped at the scene before her, and was quickly reduced to tears. Her partner attempted to confert her, but she herself was not holding up so well.

Neptune spit his drink out, and coughed a lot

Neptune: holy-, brutal!

The scene then changes to the same interviewer in a room with a green decaying bunny, that looked earily similar to the bunny Jaune was just in.

Interviewer: welcome to an interview with springtrap, formally known a-

The scene cuts away and comes back as The bunny began to speak

Springtrap: Yeah I killed those bastards , I'd do it again to!

Pyyhra: so that's Means, he's a killer.

View: that is springtrap, an animatronic. He was previously known as Jaune afton, until he met his demise that you saw before. His soul was trapped in that suit, and now he lives eternally.

Ruby gasped

Ruby: So jaunes a killer?

Weiss: it's happened to many times before, why are you still surprised?

Ruby: but the others seemed to have a reason to regret it, this one seems to have liked it!

The scene cuts half to springtrap leaning into the light

Springtrap: I don't think you apprecia-a-a-ate how hard it is for me to spe-e-e-ak to you. Because let me tell you, it hurts like a mother fuc-

The scene cuts away

Opzin: how does it hurt mr arc? It's just his soul correct?

View: not necessarily. His body is trapped in there, and the springlocks like to stab into his corpse, mostly while he's moving or talking.

Cinder winced

Cinder: an eternity of torment.

Emerald chimed in

Emerald: brutal

Springtrap now seems sad, even laying his head quite petheticly on the table. He even seemed to be crying?

Springtrap: I don't even remember what it was like before! That's how long I've been in this god dam suit!

He slammed his hands on the table and begins to cry, but as he raises his head the "tears" begin to stop.

Roman laughed

Roman: so big guy? How Long has he been in that suit?

View answered rather emotionlessly

View: 30 years.

Roman spit out his cigar

Roman: 30 years? Jesus Christ, talk about eternal torture.

Summer: How many people did he kill?

View: are you sure you want to know?

Summer nodded

View: it is confirmed that he killed 6 children, the rest of his victims are inferred to be killed by him, but there is no evidence. 

Tai looked a little green

Tai: Holy shit.

Raven, for once spoke what they were all thinking 

Raven: he deserves it.

The scene changes to springtrap lounging in the chair casually

Springtrap: you know the suit sometimes still goes off by itself!

The suit forces itself upwards and begins to speak in a cheerful Tone

Springbonnie: hey kids! If you want some free coins, then come on over and give me a big'ol hug!

Pyyhra shivered

Pyyhra: Creepy.

Springtrap: speak of the devil!

He begins to laugh, but then launches himself forward. Screaming as loud as he can, realising a horrible screeching sound, effectively killing the interviewer.

*Connection lost*

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