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"gus... look." i said as he grabbed my arm. he clenched it in anger.

"abby.. who did this to you?" he asked me as i shook in fear.

"michael did. please don't do anything i'm okay." i begged.

he didn't listen to me. i saw the fire in his eyes grow as he stomped over to the table beside us, picking up michael by the collar of his shirt with one hand. the other hand pulled back and then punching him in his face.

"listen here you no good piece of shit. if you EVER hurt her again. you will be fucking dead." gus said throwing him on the ground.

"gus!" mrs. ming yelled running over to michael, and holding his head in her arms.

"look what he did to abby." he said pulling my arm out to reveal the stab wound from the scissors michael was using. i sobbed into his chest.

"michael and abby go to the nurse. gus, you come with me." she said helping michael up and taking gus to the office.

as me and michael parted ways with gus, i turned back and frowned at him. he blew me a kiss.

nurse stallings had given michael an ice pack and some ibuprofen. then she patched me up.

as me and michael waited for our parents to arrive at the school, as well as gus's mom, he stared at me.

"your friends fucking psycho." he said quietly.

"you stabbed me. you're the psycho. he was sticking up for me."


the door opened to mrs ming motioning us to come with her.

she lead us to the office with all of our parents, the principal, and gus.

"michael. you will be suspended for five days. gus, you have in-school-suspension for two." mr. o'brien said.

i looked at gus in fear. he was my protection. he was basically a body guard. without him, people will run over me. what am i going to do without him? he's my best friend.

he looked back at me and smiled. the day was already over by then, so we got to go home.

i rode with gus and his mother, liza. my mom had to go back to work.

as we sat in the backseat of the car, he held my hand.

"thank you, gussy." i smiled softly. he kissed my hand.

"of course m'lady." he replied giving me a cute little wink.

ever since third grade, me and gus have been inseparable. he's been my best friend. we've watched each other get with other people. we've been through everything together. and through all of it, we've only stayed friends.

that's the way it had to be.


"no gus, i'm coming over. if you need help, i'm going to give it to you." i said through the phone.

"abby chill the fuck out. it's sophomore year, who gives a fuck."

"gus you really need to care about school."

"you know i don't care about school. i never will." he said. i could just hear him rolling his eyes through the phone.

"well it's an excuse to let me come over. you've been wanting to show me your new music anyway." i chuckled.

just friends - lil peepWhere stories live. Discover now