hair dye

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"baby your hair is already brown, i just know black would look amazing on you!" gus told me as he sat on the edge of my bed, holding the box of hair dye.

"i really don't know. i have never dyed my hair, this is scary." i replied taking strands of my hair and looking at them.

"come onnnnn abbs." he whined, giving me his irresistible puppy dog eyes. i blushed.

"fine, but you have to let me dye yours."

his eyes lit up, "what color??" he asked.

"it will be a surprise." i said grinning. we went to my bathroom and he put the black all over my hair. he was known for having crazy dyed hair, so i trusted him with mine.

i would trust gus with my life.

"okay cutie, just let it sit and you can do mine while you wait." he told me as he shut his eyes extremely tight.

"no peeking gus."

"yes ma'am." he chuckled.


we both took separate showers, and walked back into my room.

"oh my fucking god abby." he said as his jaw dropped.

"what?? d- does it look bad??" i asked, instantly going to a mirror. he followed me to look at his own, pink and black hair. he had the cheekiest, and biggest grin on his face.

"we look hot as fuck." he said turning to me and running his fingers through my now, solid black hair.

"i kinda like it more than i thought i would." i said jumping up and down. we giggled together and did our stupid handshake that we've had since the third grade.

"dude let's go get food." he said.

"okay, let me change. i want to look nice with my new hair."

"don't look too nice mamas."

oh my fuck he called me 'mamas'. definitely changing my underwear after that.


"do i look fine?" i asked gus as i shrugged awkwardly.

"abby you look perfect. oh my fucking god i want to eat you." he told me as he inspected my outfit.

"i want to post it. should i?"

"fuck yea." he smiled.

"okay bay let's go get some fucking lunch

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"okay bay let's go get some fucking lunch." he said taking my hand and leading me out.

"gus you sure you don't want me to drive? i mean not to be rude but you fucking suck at it."

"no i don't." he said sternly, i could tell he had gotten offended.

"gus i can't even count how many times you've hit a curb on my hands and my toes."


"in one trip." i added. a huge ass grin started to appear on his dork face.

"shut up." he said laughing and hitting me in the arm. he opened my door and got in on the same side by crawling over me.

"gus you are too long for this shit!" i yelled as his ass was all in my face. he finally got situated in his seat. he was so difficult but it was hilarious.

as he finally got situated in his seat, he gave me the look. the one where one of his eyebrows raised so high it was almost at his hairline.

"so. where we wanna eat??" he asked.

god he always does this.

"you ask me as if you think i can make decisions like this, gus." i said crossing my arms.

"bro. it's picking a place to put food in your belly. out of all of our options, it really isn't that hard. now make your mind up, and tell me where to go." he said putting his finger in my face.

i sat there silent, arms still crossed, and turned up my nose.

"fine." he said as that stupid ass smirk crept on his face. he shifted into reverse, and pushed the gas so hard i think i got whiplash.

"GUS!" i yelled, having to catch my breath.

once in drive, i just had to close my eyes, and pray to god this motherfucker didn't kill us.

"gus i'm fixing to shit my pants." i warn as he's frantically switching lanes, and of course, going almost 20 over the speed limit.

"this is what you get when you act difficult, cupcake." he said as he turned up the volume as much as it could go.

at least it was nirvana.

"how the fuck did you get a license???" i scream. he looks over and cackles, "who the fuck said anything about a license?"

dear god help us all.


as we sat in the parking lot of a sus ass hotel, eating our taco bell, i could tell something was coming over gus. something was on his mind.

"what's up with you, g?" i said pausing before my burrito. he sighed.

uh oh.

"abby. i'm gonna be completely honest with you." he said before taking a sip of his mountain dew. that sentence made my heart drop.

"look. i didn't break up with emma because it was toxic. of course, everyone knows it wasn't the healthiest, but it wasn't the real reason..."

heart is literally in my ass now.

"i told her that i couldn't be with her anymore. simply because.. well."

he looks at me in my eyes, and holds my cheek with his rough, skinny hand.

"it's always been you." he finished.

heart has fallen out of my ass and into the floor of the car.


"abby i'm in love with you. i can't remember a time when i wasn't. i don't care about some stupid promise we made. you are the only reason that i want to wake up every day. you're the reason i stayed in school for as long as i did. you're the reason i started music. you're the reason for me being alive. i don't think i would ever want to spend eternity with another human. no one compares to you. and i just had to say it." he lets go of my cheek and stares back at the steering wheel.

he just hit me with those words all at once. gus has never spoken to anyone or about anyone like that before. i didn't know what to say, how to react, or what to do to let him know i felt the same way.

the only thing that came out of my mouth was.

oh shit.


i quickly open the car door and let it all out.


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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2023 ⏰

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