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the sand in between my toes always felt safe

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the sand in between my toes always felt safe. as the waves crashed alongside the beach, i could just feel my worries fade away.

i took off my thin, over-sized shirt to reveal my new bathing suit i had got the weekend before, and went back over to my belongings to set the shirt with them. i checked my phone.

gus's life360 was moving towards me. he always knows that i come here. it won't take him long with the way that he drives. i wonder if he's bringing emma.

i finally heard him pull up, in his old ass nissan altima. he quickly jumped out of the drivers seat and ran towards me. so i did what any other girl would do, and i started to run towards him as well.

i jumped into his arms as he spun me around through the sand. i tried so hard not to acknowledge his hands on my ass.

he gently let me down and smiled at me.

"hey pumpkin."

"hey gussy, where's em?" i asked. he had a weird look on his face.

"umm i kinda. broke up with her." he said as his hand ran through his lhair. my jaw literally dropped.

"oh holy shit. how did she take it?"

"not good at all..." he replied.

"y'all will get back soon. trust me." i said.

"no actually. i'm done with her. it's too toxic, we could never make it. especially since i need my main focus to be music now. i'm also thinking about dropping out."

i frowned.

"gus what about me??"

"i will never be apart from you. you're my best friend. and can i just ask, when the fuck did you get so hot? like you look fine as shit." he said checking me out.

"that's what bullying does to you, gus." i laughed.

"oh and by the way i'm high as shit right now."

"of course."

"race you to the water!" he yelled as he took off. i quickly caught up to him, for he was not in shape at all.

either that or he slowed down on purpose to look at my ass.

"damn baby where did that thang come from?" he laughed. i stopped and turned around, pretending that i was fixing to slap him. he flinched.

he grabbed my shoulders and turned me back around, giving my butt a good, hard slap.

"GUS!" i screamed as i held my cheek in pain.


"you're an asshole."

he gave me that evil fucking smirk.

we spent the rest of the time playing in the water like five year olds and sunbathing after getting tired.

i fell asleep on his chest while laying on the sand. everything was so warm.

gus was my safe place.


we both had woken up right as the sun was setting. we leaned on each other as we watched it fall underneath the horizon, and all the colors in the sky mixed.

it was probably one of our favorite things to do together.

his eyes then settled on me, and i noticed him in the corners of my view. and i looked back at him.

"abby. you are so god damn beautiful. it hurts to look at you." he told me. my eyes started to water.

"you are so fucking sweet..."

"why are you friends with me?" he asked.

"what do you mean gus?"

"you're the perfect girl. perfect grades, perfect family, perfect body, perfect personality. and i'm just... a train wreck." his head fell. i placed my finger on his chin and lifted it back up.

"gus you are perfect to me. you have always been, and ever since the third grade, i knew you were my twin flame. you have always been by my side, and just understood me. you care about me. i haven't ever felt this much love from anyone in my life." i smiled at him.

he took my hand, and kissed it.

"always, m'lady." he giggled, pulling me into a hug.

"should we stay here or get something to eat?" i asked. he looked up at the sky as the stars started to appear.

"we should look at the sky tonight." he said softly, and laying back down on the sand. i did the same.

"all of the stars are so beautiful." i whispered.

"just like you abby. all of these stars tell a story. they're all there for a reason."

gus's words were so beautiful.

"wait right here..

i'll be back in the morning

i know that i'm not that important to you but to me girl you're so much more than gorgeous

so much more than perfect

right now i know that i'm not really worth it if you give me time i could work on it

give me some time while i work on it

losing your patience and girl i don't blame you the earths in rotation, you're waitin for me."

"gus. you have such a talent. and i know you're going to go so far."

"i won't forget about you, princess. you're coming with me always."


"and ever." he smiled.


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