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- three days later -

p.sunghoon <3

hey byeol... -

- what?

how are you? -

- i'm good, why ask? is there something you need from me?

i just wanted to check on you.. -

- well i don't need to be checked on. why are you talking to me? the last time you talked to me was like a week ago

yeah.. i'm sorry. i was caught up with school work and i was falling behind. i had to catch up with it. but everything's totally under control :) -

-  no sunghoon. stop lying to me LMFAOO, there's literally no need for lying like it's fine. dude i know you have a girl now, don't play dumb. i'm happy for you though it's just, you made me worried for no reason

byeol that's not what it looks like, i was hurt because of that picture you posted of those seven guys. so me and IU had done the same thing to get you jealous. -

- sunghoon. i texted you, i explained myself more than once. i said i cared about you. i put time into texting you that and you think that being an immature teenager would solve the problem? no. you got it all wrong sunghoon. you made me feel so guilty and upset.

i'm sorry my luv :( i don't want to lose you and i thought you were gonna push me away to be closer to them. they seem much more handsome than i do. they seem much more muscular than i do.. i just thought i wasn't good enough to be your friend.. -

- why the fuck would you think that? i explained my feelings to you. you're so hardheaded sunghoon. i really don't get what's going on in your mind. you're being so immature. you could've just texted me about it, we would've worked it out but you decided to be a kid and did what you did.

byeol, i'm gonna make it up to you. i promise. i care lots about and ily more than you think i do. ily more than i love myself. yeah, i'm your happy place but you're mines too. so please don't give up on me. i know we're people who met on social media but.. i just really really want you in my life -

- me too sunghoon. me too. you said you're willing to change right? well show me you can change.

i will byeol, i'll text you like i always did, goodnight -

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