Chapter 3

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When we stepped outside, I was immediately engulfed by the students still in the parking lot. I was feeling a little dizzy from the smoke, still, so I just brushed them off; I was pretty confused by everything myself.

I looked around for Sebastian, but people were clogged up everywhere. I figured Sebastian was looking for me, too, so I wasn't too worried.

I took a deep breath and stumbled up to the nearest person I saw. It was a girl that I vaguely remembered Bas talking about. Jaynee.

"Do you know what's going on? And have you seen Bas?" I asked her.

She looked at me skeptically and pointed back to the building.

The school was completely on fire.

The men that I had met were bringing someone out in a stretcher, and my legs moved before I told them to. I didn't breathe, and for a second, everything stopped.

And then I ran.

Students were crying and staring at me with pity. I shook my head. No.

I gently pulled back the plastic sheet.

Black hair.

Pale skin.

Closed eyes.

"No," I whispered. I felt drained suddenly. I didn't have the energy, or the will to stand anymore. The men tried to pull me away, but suddenly, adrenaline hit me and I desperately clung to his.. Body.

And then I was screaming, "No!" over and over, "You have to help him. Help him please!" I begged. My chest felt tight, I was crushed.

No one was listening. I elbowed someone in the face and vaguely registered a groan of pain. I didn't care. Bas. Bas was.. Dead.

Words like dead and corpse and lifeless kept popping into my mind. The men rolled the gurney towards the ambulance and still, I fought to get away from the people holding me.

I wrenched myself away and ran up to the ambulance as they lifted him in. I watched him jolt as they settled him in the back. His hand lolled out and a piece of paper fell onto the grass as they closed the doors.

The teachers were all busy trying to navigate the students back to their cars, but I couldn't move. My body and mind weren't responding on time. Everything was numb, and I dreaded the moment when I would feel again. Everything was in slow motion as I watched them take my Sebastian away.

I swallowed and pinched myself to keep from crying in front of everyone. I slowly, slowly, walked to where the paper had fallen. My hand shook as I picked it up. I unfolded it and read in his writing:

To Do List:
1. Take Vic for ice-cream. (Mint CC)
2. Tell her that I love her. (Don't freak out.)

Don't freak out. I collapsed onto the ground in anguish. I saw only darkness. I couldn't stop the tears this time. Who would tell his parents? His siblings? I couldn't even think of saying the words out loud. Sebastian.

Was it possible to die from a broken heart? I hope so.

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