finding a new face。

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after sangtae had announced that he'll be working with another children's book writer, both gangtae and munyeong were devastated, since one of their family members are gone. but deep inside, both of them were really happy as they will have their alone time in the camping car now without getting judged by sangtae for "displaying public acts of affection".

"dont fight, a kiss is better than a fight..". sangtae had warned them before leaving with munyeong's manager, sang-in, for seoul. both of them waved goodbye to sangtae, with a sad heart.

gangtae went off to do the laundry and changed the sheets while munyeong laid down on the bed, looking at him and licked her lips.

"did you know, you look so scrumptious-, oops i mean stunning when you're doing household chores? hurry come and lay down with me, hyung's gone so we can.." she looked down, smirking. gangtae gave her a sheepish look, with his face as red as a tomato, pressing the wash button of the washing machine before running over to lay down with her.

"you came running without showering, mm.." munyeong gave gangtae a cute look.

"yah, go and shower before coming near me"

"i smell good even without a shower". gangtae came over and tickled munyeong and munyeong screamed and laughed.


within a few minutes, munyeong was on top of gangtae, pinning his hands down.

"okok, let go of me, ill stop. I promise."

munyeong slowly let go of gangtae, however gangtae pounced on her, pulling her into a deep and passionate kiss. munyeong felt a sense of happiness running through her hence she just gave in. they were devouring each other's mouths, with their tongues fighting with each other's for domination. within a few minutes. they stopped to gasp for air.

"do you want me?" gangtae asked, and munyeong agreed. her denim shorts and white off shoulder top were off within seconds, leaving her with her black lacy bra and underwear.

"i like what im seeing, but those have to be off as well." gangtae sheepily said.

"you have to take off yours as well. " munyeong stated.

they helped each other take off their outfits, and they were fully naked in the speed of lightning. gangtae first kissed her forehead, her nose, then moved down to her body. he was caressing her breast with one hand while licking her nipples. munyeong screamed in pleasure, with how this man is making her feel so good now. then, he moved on to kissing her stomach and then licking her clit.

"AHHHHHHH I WANT U" munyeong screamed in pleasure. gangtae stopped for a second before taking out his long dick. munyeong gasped at the length.

"tell me if you're feeling uncomfortable alright." slowly, gangtae entered munyeong, and thrusted in her.

"ahhhhhhh..." munyeong screamed and arched her back from the overwhelming pleasure.

after a few thrusts, they came in each other, feeling satisfied after this mini makeout session.

"yah, I didnt wear protection!" munyeong shrieked.

"its okay, we shall have a mini munyeong running around, I dont mind. " gangtae sheepishly said.

munyeong hit his back shyly. " i prefer twins, a girl and a boy."

"then round 2?"

munyeong slapped him playfully and laughed, " we'll see about that." gangtae laughed and nodded.

"I love you." both of them said it to each other, and drifted away to sleep, naked in each others arms with the afternoon sun shining on them.

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