Fresh New Start

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     The covers being thrown off of me

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     The covers being thrown off of me. I shiver, my hand searching for them. To pull them back over me. Opening my eyes to see my mom standing there holding my covers."get up Madison your plane leaves in 10 minutes!"-oh so this wasn't a dream I really am going to a boarding school-

I climb out of bed slowly, slipping on a skull tank top, some tight pink skinny jeans and some wristbands. Picking up my suitcases, setting them. In the back set of my mom's van. I just fold my arms, looking out the window. "We know you are still mad, sweetheart, but it's for the best. "

My mom saying while paying attention to the road. I glare at her, my palms sweating again, calming myself down. Watching the lines on the road sighing, the car comes. To a stop getting out of the car. Grabbing my suitcases, waving to my mom. Bye, but she drives off as soon as I shut the back seat of the van.

      Wow, thanks mom; I love you too, groaning, wishing this was a dream. But we all know it isn't. Because I really am getting sent away. My parents; think I have been a bother to them and everyone. Around the town the people at my old High School.

Are probably throwing a party right now. Boarding the plane looking for my number. I see my seat number and literally. Want to bash my head into the plane's door? And just jump out, seeing a boy that was assigned next to me.

-why me? WHY!?- I take my seat glaring at the boy pointing at him "you talk, touch, or even catch a glance at me I will end you!" his eyes turn purple smirking at me. "girly you don't know who you're talking to do you?" I laugh, pushing his face away from me. "do I look like I care? No, now leave me alone, you man whore!" 

            He huffs, just staying on his side of the armrest. Plugging my earphones into my purple iPod, turning on Asking Alexandria 'Final Episode'. Staring out the window, falling asleep. Feeling the plane land. I jump, hitting my head on the ceiling. "ow! What the fucking hell!"

The boy laughs I glare at him, my hair catching. On fire again, his eyes wide. "You're an element user. wow cool!" What is this guy's deal he is supposed to be? Scared not to think it's fucking cool! he chuckles, grinning at me. "Where you headed, sweetie?"

My fist tighten getting a little angry -I hate pet names I really do- "what's it to you?!" He just rolls his eyes sighing "listen I am trying to be nice here smirk laughing the flight attendant says "welcome to Cavern School For The Mystical" Wait what?! Did she just say? Getting up "wait there is a mistake. I am not a Mystical Creature!" 

     The boy chuckles, pulling me back down. "honey I think you are. You can control all the. Elements. Why do you think you were sent here?" I growl at him, splashing water on his face, unbuckling. My seatbelt walking off the plane seeing a limo waiting for us. The limo driver opening the door smiling. "ah hello again, young Jayden, and who is this?" -My luck has not been working today-

Jayden smirks at me. "oh I don't know Humphrey, she didn't tell me her name, but she is new here. " Humphrey smiles, bowing down. "Hello your name is?" I just roll my eyes getting into the limo. "none ya. " he looks at me confused. "none ya?" I smirk, putting my stuff into the trunk. "Yea, none ya concern, old man. " 

     Laughing, climbing into my seat looking out the. Window angry that my parents sent me to this stupid school. Jayden; looks over at me, just staring. "what is your problem? Why can't you just be nice!?"

My head snaps away from the window "because it's my choice, and leave me the hell alone!" He was right by my side, growling, "you don't tell me what to do Madison!" I panic, pushing him away. " did you know my name?" He smirks, caressing my cheek. "oh my dear, I am a vampire. I can read your mind, my little vixen." -oh boy, this is going to be a long ride-

Jayden; goes back to his side of the limo as. I fall asleep wishing I was back home with my friends. In my little bed, also wondering. Why did my parents send me here, of all places? And not somewhere normal. 

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