Christmas Day

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         Christmas Day

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         Christmas Day. Usually my mom wakes me up with the smell of gingerbread cookies. This Christmas is different. I get up, smiling at Sam, who hands me a gift. "Merry Christmas. " I smile, opening it to see a bracelet. I smile wide "thank you Sam" I handed her. The Gift.

She smiles really widely at the book she has been wanting. She constantly has been talking about it. So of course I had to get it for her. El and Nat look at us. El hands me a gift. I hand her hers. I open it to see a Starbucks gift card. "I know where we are going later. "

El looks over at me, smiling widely. "oh my god thank you Madi. " She hugs the Squish mellow tightly. She has been wanting that one for her collection. I hand Nat her gift, and she hands me mine. I open mine to see a pretty sweater top. I smile widely. It was exactly the one I wanted from Amazon. "thank you Nat. "" Nat smiles wide as she opens hers.

Opening it to see a Barnes, and Noble gift card. Nat squeals "finally!! More Vampire romances!" We all look at her with a funny expression. She looks over at us. "What?

                 I hear a knock at our door. I get up walking up seeing a present at the door -I wonder who that is from?- I look at the tag. It reads 

To: Madison 

From: Jayden 

Oh boy, he got me a present. I bet it's a vile of his blood. 'oh I thought you'd want to have my blood baby.' Making a disgusted face at the thought. I shut the door sitting back down. Sam, El, and Nat look over at me. Watching me as I open it slowly.

I open the small box to see a beautiful heart necklace with red rhinestones, with roses, and white rhinestones. Sam gasps, "holy shit, that is so pretty!" I take it gently out of the box. El offers, "you need help Madi?" I nod, smiling, moving my hair. El helps put it on. I look down at it, smiling. Yes, I don't like the kid. But It was nice to send me a Christmas gift. I actually really love it. It was so thoughtful.

Nat says "can we go get food?" I giggle, getting up and opening the door. "yeah let's go. " We all take the elevator to the lunchroom. Getting in line, picking out our food. I sit down spotting Jayden -if he says one stupid thing I swear- 

Jayden walking over, smiling down at me. He sees me wearing the necklace, grinning widely. "I see you liked the gift. " I look up at him nodding "yes thank you" He smirks wide "you're welcome my little vixen" I bite into my salad. He smiles, walking away. Not even a snarky remark? Damn, something has him in a good mood. 

Jayden's POV: 

        She is actually wearing the necklace. I am so glad. It looks so amazing on her. Doesn't change the fact. That I still want to love bite her so badly. I want to make her mine. But that will come in all due time.

When that time comes. I will make sure no one can stop me. Cause what I want is what I get. No one says no to me. I don't care if I sound like a snob or spoiled. I will get Madison. I will make her mine. One day.... 

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