Another Day Of Fun And Humiliation

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        My alarm buzzing realizing Sam was not there looking at the clock it. Saying 8am, eyes widen as I jump out of my bed. In a hurry, rushing around. Putting on my a pretty white body hugging dress, with some studded black flats.

Running down the stairs, to banging the door open to my first period class. The whole class looking at me. Jayden; smirking at me Sam giggling at me."glad of you to join us, Ms. Walsh. " Rolling my eyes sitting next to Sam; glaring at her.

She just looks away innocently. "what are you looking at me like that Madison? I did nothing" -you're not innocent, your demon child!- Ms. Slicer; standing by her desk

"okay class, I am partnering you guys up. For the Magic Theory project. Jayden and Madison, Avery and Sam, Matthew and Ella, and Liam and Natalie," Groaning; going to my newly assigned seat -great, the person I despise the most-

         Sitting down waiting for hell to take its course. Jayden; touching my hair, tightening my fist. Getting really annoyed, looking over at Sam; really nervous, just shaking. Cause; we all know she has a crush on. Jayden; he keeps touching my hair, my elbow connecting with his stomach, making him fall off his chair rolling on the floor.

I smirk hearing the bell ring was my sign to run out as fast as I could. Leaving Sam there to face her fears with Avery. She will forgive me later, rushing into my next class. Ella is there waiting for us, her face expression confused. "where is Sam?" I look away, whistling, and speak of her highness. She will come a running "you left me there with Avery... Avery!!!!!" 

          Ella and I; just laugh falling off of our stools. "It's not funny, you guys. You know how much I really like him!" Ella and I stop laughing when we see our teacher. Mr. Power; come in through the window on a cloud. When he jumps off of it, the cloud disappears.

He smiles at us, writing about what we are doing today. "okay class, please turn in your homework at the end of class, and get to work on your worksheet on potions."-wait what work sheet-

Suddenly a work sheet floats over to all the desk. The Classroom starting on the paper on potions. Finishing up the work that was assigned to us. Hearing the bell ring, gathering my things, handing in the paper, and my homework. Heading to gym class.

Mrs. Hocus; sitting on her broom that was floating. In the air she smiling at me as she sees me walking into the gym jumping off her broom. "Hello Madison, how is your day?" I wave at her. "hello Mrs. Hocus, oh it's fine so far," she giggles. "Good."

            Skipping away back to her seat, I see. Jayden and his friends walk past me. I glare at him. I really and sincerely dislike that boy. The Teacher claps her hands together. "okay class, we are going to learn how to control wind today"

I smirk an evil look in my eyes -you are so going to be blown away by Jayden Jackson- No, seriously; I am literally going to blow him away. This is going to be fun for me, but I know it will piss him off. Which I am all for it. We all stand in a line I impatiently. Waiting For my turn boys against girls this is going to be awesome, my little revenge on Jayden I am so ready.

Finally, the teacher calls my and Jayden's name to come up. I smirk at my hands, ready to make it windy. "ready get set, go!"

A twirl my hands around smirking, making a big tornado. Jayden; twirling around in it snapping my fingers, the wind vanishing. I laugh when I see Jayden's hair all messed up as. He just glares at me. 

                  A few minutes later, the bell rings, running out of there as fast as I can. To My next class Natalie waiting for me. Waving and smiling; I sit down next to her. Mr. Baxter; popping in front of me. I jump, almost having a heart attack. "Oh, shit!"

Natalie; laughing her ass off. He smiles just walking up to the front of the class, starting the lesson. Turning on my homework, making it float to his desk. He snaps his fingers as we see potions and lab bottles in front of us. "okay class, please start making a storm potion. "

Natalie and I; get to work just making jokes with each other. The class period flew by gathering. Our stuff heading to lunch. Ella and Sam; already there eating their food smiling and waving at us, giggling

Sitting down, placing my food down on the table. As the chair is magically pulled out from under me causing me, to fall on the floor butt. First, my friend's looking over the table. Laughing at me, Jayden seeming to have the most fun. About it of all with a nod of my head. Making his food slam into his face.

         I laugh, smirking, sitting down enjoying my food with my friends. Throwing all our trash away. When someone covers my mouth. Pulling me into the janitor's closet, the light turns on to see Jayden grinning at me. "hello Madison! "

Rolling my eyes groaning "what do you want?" his eyes purple, his white sharp vampire teeth showing "oh my dear, I want you"

I burn the lock off; he tries to grab for me. I kick him in the balls, making a run for it. He holds his man parts falling over. "You bitch!" I smirk over my shoulder, running back to my room -you're not getting me dumbass-

Unlocking my dorm room door. Sam sitting on her bed reading a book. I shut the door out of breath. Sam looks up from her book. "are you okay Madi?" I shake my head no "Jayden fucking Jackson just tried to bite me!" She jumps up from her bed examining my neck "did he bite you oh my god Madi" I shake my head no "I kicked him in the balls before he could" She puts her hand on her heart "oh thank god good!" 

        I don't know why she is so scared. Something tells me being bitten by the Blood Court is a death sentence. I look over at Sam as I plop down on my bed. "If you get bitten, what would happen?"

Sam looks over at me, frowning. "if you get bitten. You're theirs end of discussion. You would have to abide by their rules and laws. " -So I would have no free will. Yup, totally staying clear of all that. The last thing I need is Jayden Jackson telling me what to do. Barking orders at me like I was a dog. No, thank you. 

Jayden's POV:

           I almost had her. God damn it! I almost had her. That little bitch, next time I am going to have to shackle her with magic concealers. So she can't get away. She is going to be a hard one to get a hold of. She isn't getting away from me that easily. She thinks she is free now. I will get her, and she won't be running this time.  

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