Fun and rings in the end

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Harry decided to take George to St Mungo's every Friday for therapy as he knew he really needed it. He doesn't like seeing people so upset and depressed as it reminded him of himself back when he was in those stages of life. After Cedric dies and after Sirius died. He remembered the night Ron found him cutting in the bathroom, it was a haunting but a relieving memory. He remembered how upset he made Ron, seeing his best mate with tears in his eyes because of him. He remembered feeling so guilty throughout that week, he even thought about pitching himself off the Astronomy Tower to get rid of the pain and guilt he was feeling but he was glad he didn't.

From there and on, Harry kept taking George to therapy, as well as keeping up with Draco and going on dates with him. Draco even started helping George out by paying for the tests that George had to do to get checked up. Harry refused to let Draco pay for anything but somehow, Draco did it under his nose. 

After weeks and weeks of therapy for George, he started feeling a bit better. Harry threw out all the blades he found in George's room while at therapy and he noticed that George had a lot of blades. Hidden under everything, hidden inside everything. Harry found 10 blades throughout George's room and he hoped there wasn't any more to find.

It had been exactly a year of being together with Draco and Harry felt the sudden need for more than kisses and hugs. One night as he was at Malfoy Manor, he lured Draco into his room using rose petals. He sat naked on Draco's 4-poster bed with a forest green quilt and pillows, waiting for his Ice prince to arrive. When he heard the door open, he bit his lip. He covered himself up with Draco's bed's blankets as Mr. Malfoy walked into the room with a bunch of rose petals.

"Harry, what are-" Lucius dropped the rose petals on the floor and stared at his son's boyfriend. "Are you naked?" he asked awkwardly.

Harry nodded at him slowly, sheepishly smiling at him. He's glad he pulled the blankets on top of him in the last second. "I'm naked and currently waiting on my boyfriend to follow the damned trail of roses to find me but it looks like you ruined it, not so sound rude or anything..."

Lucius put on a crooked smile, knowing exactly what Harry wanted. "Sorry, want me to call him?"

"Yes, please and say it's a surprise," Harry said, flushing as his he had just been caught up in an act. God, this memory is going to haunt him for the rest of his mortal life.

"Very well, and... have fun," Lucius said at once, winked and strode out of the room.

Harry lay back on the bed and sighed. When he heard movement coming from the door he sat right up and smiled. "Draco, my Slytherin prince."

"Har-," Draco froze as he saw Harry naked in his bed. "What's this all about?" he asked, taking off his coat and chucked it on the floor as he made his way to the bed.

"Oh, I'm sure you know what this is all about," Harry said smoothly. "Come join me, the bedsheets are hot."

Oh, so it's a flirting game? Two can play it that way. "That's not the only thing that's hot," Draco said with a smirk as he took off his shirt and threw it to the ground. He climbed onto the bed and crawled his way over to his naked boyfriend.

Harry frowned and ran his hands along Draco's chest, but that wasn't the thing that he was a little disturbed with. The dark mark that lay on his boyfriend's forearm stared at him like it had eyes, but Harry tried his best to ignore it. It was only a tattoo now anyway. "You're only half-naked. Can I help?" Draco nodded and leaned down to kiss Harry hard.

As Harry kissed back eagerly, his hands trailed down to Draco's fly and he unzipped him, taking hold of Draco's erection. He felt himself go hard, pushed Draco's pants down his legs and pulled Draco on top of him.

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