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YG Military Academy is a prestigious institution that helps KOREA to produce a well-trained, discipline military officers. The academy is the number one institution in the country turning civilians into leaders, turning boys into men and girls into women. They will undergo hell trainings and must risk their own lives for the people of KOREA. Protocols are very important if you violates their protocols you'll forever be banned in the YGMA.

Lisa's POV

Today is the day I've been waiting for the final listing of trainees for the prestigious YG Military Academy. Since I was a little kid this is my dream to be one of the best military officers of KOREA. We're here at my apartment waiting for the announcement online from the website of the YGMA with my best friend Park Chaeyoung or Roseanne Park she's also an aspiring applicant like me we're both loved to be a trainee of the YGMA and to become a military officers soon.

"Chaeyoung I'm so nervous what if I can't make it?" Lisa while refreshing the website

"Chill your tits Lis we can make it, for sure" Rose responded confidently.

Rose will always be the positive one no wonder many boys and girls likes her she's also  talented and caring person she loves mangoes and she hates avocados 🤣 (It's so hard not to like avocadoes 🤣) 

"Rose it's hard not to calm you know we've dream this before and now it's now or never. I really want my father to be proud of me by doing this." Lisa

"Come on Lis you're the best, I'm sure if your father is still alive he will be proud of you. You've grown the very best version of yourself Lis even though you're still a baby and a little bit clumsy." Rose

"Ow really Rose?? Coming from you?? Was that a compliment? Thank you" Lisa responded sarcastically

"But really I want us to be the best cadets that YGMA had". Lisa added

"Indeed" Rose replied while eating her  chips.

She loves to eat a lot even though she's thin she eats like she never eaten before.

I'm really nervous now YGMA produce the best military leaders in KOREA one of them is the legendary military leader MAJ SANDARA PARK a well known military officer in the country I wanted to be like her. If they are the best ACADEMY I'm sure we will experience hell but I'm on it I will make my father proud of me. While waiting for the results I run to the bathroom because I'm really nervous while unziping my pants I heard Rose screaming like she seen a celebrity I automatically run to know what's going on and she called me. She's jumping like a kangaroo (oh well it makes sense because she's from Australia 🤣🤣)

"Lis, Lis, Lis, Lis,Lis,Lis," Rose while jumping

"whyyyy??! What happened??" I replied

"aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh we passed!!!! We're on the final listing!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaa I'm so happy". Rose replied with enthusiasm in her face.

"Take a look monkey come on!!" Rose added

I automatically get the laptop and found my name. I really can't believe it we passed and we're in the final listing. I don't know what to feel right now and Rose suddenly hugs me and pats my head.

"We made it, you made it and I'm sure your appa is really proud of you right now I know you can do it Lis now stop crying ". Rose

"This will be the first step Lis and I'm sure we will encounter difficulties inside the Academy I want us to be strong for each other and we can't give up, not now that we're moving closer to our dreams. Rose added

I remain silent in the shoulders of my best friend I really can't say the exact words on what am I feeling right now. Half of me is very happy about the results and half of me is scared but Rose is right we can't give up because we're moving closer to our dreams. Appa this is for you.

"You're right Rose we will do our best to be the best military leaders of KOREA! Hwaitinggg!!!!!!!" I replied with enthusiasm.

"Stop your aegyo, you monkey you can't do that in training I'm sure you'll be punished by acting cute." Rose replied with a frown in her face.

"I know but I can't stop you know why I can't stop?." I asked

"Why?." Rose nonchalantly answer

"Because I'm born with it." I replied confidently

"Lisa please don't be a mood destroyer for once I want to celebrate for the results but when I heard you a while a go never mind nahhh I'm going to sleep." Rose replied

"Chaeyounga I'm sorry!! Let's celebrate together." I replied

"No! Will you stop being so chezzey" Rose

"sorry sorry please let's celebrate" I replied

"Okay but for one condition?."  Rose replied

"what??" I replied

"Your treat" Rose replied

"I knew it you got me that's not fair! Chipmunk" I replied

"okay bye" Rose

Geez really Rose will do everything for the fucking food? I can't believe it

"Alright alright my treat" I replied in defeat

Rose replied with a smirk I really hate it but it's okay were going to celebrate anyways. 

Appa this is for you guide me. 😊

PS: this is my first story in Wattpad I'm so sorry for the grammatical errors I hope you'll like the story hehehe 😊😊


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