Chapter Five

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So know Rae is not only struggling with pulling her hair out once again, She also wonders what she ever did to her dad for him to not want to spend time with her or her brother. Another year of Summer vacation comes and goes with no sign from Rae's Dad. Rae's Mom is getting really really interested in the guy Larry that her friend set her up with.

Larry is over ever weekend now and starts talking about moving in to the house with Rae's mom and the kids. Rae is not so sure she is ready for this. So Rae gets it in her head that she will start trying to make Larry feel uncomfortable about coming over to the house. On the weekends when he is there Rae puts cat poop in his shoe to start off with. Steals money out of his wallet so that he will not want to be with a woman who lets he kids steal.

Rae does everything but stand on her head upside down and plead with her mom about Larry. How she does not want Larry over every weekend. She wants to be able to spend time with her mom without Larry there all the time. As much pleading as Rae does with her mom about not wanting Larry there all the time her mom goes on to let Rae know that Larry and Rae's mom are going to get married sometime next year. Rae goes into another one of her fits of stomping her feet and throwing herself around screaming. "NO NO NO YOU AND LARRY CAN'T GET MARRIED." "YOU AND DAD ARE SUPPOSE TO GET BACK TOGETHER.' "I DON'T LIKE LARRY AND HE IS RUINING EVERYTHING IN MY LIFE'" "IF YOU AND LARRY GET MARRIED I WANT TO GO LIVE WITH DAD." "I  HATE YOU AND I HATE LARRY YOU STUPID WOMAN." " I DON'T KNOW WHY YOU AND DAD CAN NOT GET YOU CRAP TOGETHER. " WHY IS THAT MY FAULT AND WHY DO I HAVE TO SUFFER BECAUSE OF IT?"  I yell all this at my mom trying to get her to realize that I dont want nothing else in my life to change. I wonder how much more selfish can my mom be. All she is doing is thinking about herself and that is all. She never never never thinks of me or my brother and how we feel about things or what we want. Another school year again starts for Rae and another Summer vacation comes to with the school year.

While in the third grade Rae starts to learn a  lot and get grades finally. Rae's mom believes this is due to the fact that she is on her medicine. Then Rae starts to struggle again in class. However this has nothing to do with the medicine that she is on. The school has the school nurse give Rae a vision test to see if this is why Rae is not seeing what the teacher is writing on the board without being right on top of the chalk board.

The school sends a note home with Rae for her mom to see that she needs to go see A eye Dr. About a month later Rae goes to see an eye Dr. and learns that she needs to wear glasses. Rae's mom get help from Rae's dad on this he pays for Rae's first pair of glasses. The next weekend Rae's dad comes and picks Rae and her brother up for the weekend. While there Rae meets her dad's new wife. All of a sudden Rae thinks wait a minute wife when did he get a new wife. Rae is mad at her father for introducing them to his new wife when they did not even know that he was seeing someone. Rae although starts to like her dad new wife. She has her dad come and get them every weekend and her mom does not make up excuses for him any more. Although Rae knows this means when she is not at the house that her mom and Larry are spending more and more time together.


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